@2000 = ~Bhaalspawn Powers
<CHARNAME> has gained the ability, usable once per day:
Mass Healing (Necromancy)
Range: Sight of caster
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 30 foot radius
Saving Throw: None
When using this ability, the Bhaalspawn must picture the faces of <PRO_HISHER> fellow party members clearly and focus on the unity of the group. Upon completion, all party members within 30 foot radius of the caster are healed 2d8 + 2/level hit points. Other conditions suffered by the party are cured, as well: fatigue, poison, disease, blindness and deafness.~
@2001 = ~Bhaalspawn Powers
<CHARNAME> has gained the ability, usable once per day:
Regeneration (Necromancy)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/ 2 levels
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Target Creature
Saving Throw: None
This powerful ability enables the Bhaalspawn to imbue 1 creature with the ability to regenerate. This regeneration will heal any wounds and even regenerate lost limbs. The creature affected will regain 3 hit points per second. The effect lasts for 1 round per every 2 levels of the caster or until dispelled. For example, a 14th level character would regenerate 18 hit points per round for 7 rounds.~
@2002 = ~Bhaalspawn Powers
<CHARNAME> has gained the ability, usable once per day:
Draw Upon Holy Might (Invocation)
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
The Bhaalspawn calls upon the might of <PRO_HISHER> blood to grant him power for a short period. When <PRO_HESHE> does this, <PRO_HISHER> strength, constitution and dexterity all are raised by 1 point for every 3 levels of the caster. A third level caster would have <PRO_HISHER> abilities raised by 1, while a 12th level caster would have all <PRO_HISHER> abilities raised by 4.~
@2003 = ~Bhaalspawn Powers
<CHARNAME> has gained the ability, usable once per day:
Dark Taint (Necromancy)
Range: 20 feet
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Through this spell, the Bhaalspawn can expel the taint of <PRO_HISHER> evil sire onto a victim, poisoning those who fail their save vs. death. The effects depend upon the caster's level and are detailed below:
7-9th level: 2d8 + 2/round, slow for 12 seconds, save at -2
10-12th level: 3d8 + 3/round, slow for 12 seconds, save at -2
13-14th level: 4d8 + 4/round, slow for 12 seconds, save at -2
15-16th level: 6d8 + 5/round, slow for 24 seconds, save at -2
17-21st level: 8d8 + 6/round, slow for 24 seconds, save at -4
25th level: 8d8 + 6/round, slow for 36 seconds, save at -4, affects group of targets~
@2004 = ~Bhaalspawn Powers
<CHARNAME> has gained permanent negative plane protection (i.e., <CHARNAME> cannot be level-drained) and 5% magic resistance.~
@2005 = ~Bhaalspawn Powers
<CHARNAME> has gained the ability, usable once per day:
Hand of Murder (Necromancy)
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 rounds/5 levels
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: none
When this power is called upon by the Bhaalspawn, <PRO_HESHE> immediately does extra damage with each hit to <PRO_HISHER> target with any melee weapon desired (whether it be fist or sword). <PRO_HISHER> dark energies travel through <PRO_HISHER> weapon and assaulting <PRO_HISHER> victim...and absorb that damage as healing for <PRO_HIMHER>self.
The effects vary by level as follows:
10th: 2 rounds, 4 hp extra damage, 4 hp healed
15th: 3 rounds, 6 hp extra damage, 6 hp healed
20th: 4 rounds, 8 hp extra damage, 8 hp healed
25th: 5 rounds, 10 hp extra damage, 10 hp healed
30th: 6 rounds, 12 hp extra damage, 12 hp healed~
@2006 = ~Bhaalspawn Powers
<CHARNAME> has gained the ability, usable once per day:
Resurrection (Necromancy)
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Creature Touched
Saving Throw: None
Like the 5th level spell Raise Dead, Resurrection will return a character back to life. However, Resurrection also heals the character so that they are ready for the adventuring life once more.~
@2007 = ~Bhaalspawn Powers
<CHARNAME> has gained 25% resistance to physical damage (i.e., slashing, piercing, crushing and missile damage).~