Thanks Ashara, I think I've got what I need:
IF ~IsGabber(Player1)
CombatCounter(0)~ THEN BEGIN randomwisdom
SAY ~Hey <CHARNAME>, you want some words of wisdom?~
+ ~RandomNum(15,1)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz1
+ ~RandomNum(15,2)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz2
+ ~RandomNum(15,3)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz3
+ ~RandomNum(15,4)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz4
+ ~RandomNum(15,5)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz5
+ ~RandomNum(15,6)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz6
+ ~RandomNum(15,7)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz7
+ ~RandomNum(15,8)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz8
+ ~RandomNum(15,9)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz9
+ ~RandomNum(15,10)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz10
+ ~RandomNum(15,11)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz11
+ ~RandomNum(15,12)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz12
+ ~RandomNum(15,13)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz13
+ ~RandomNum(15,14)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz14
+ ~RandomNum(15,15)~ + ~Yes I sure do, what have you got?~ + touchwiz15
++ ~Actually I think I've had enough of *your* kind of wisdom!~ EXIT
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN touchwiz1
SAY ~Man who eat dog soon be barking mad.~
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN touchwiz2
SAY ~Do not want others to know what you have done? Better not have done it anyways!~
@jcompton: I understand!
thank you both!