Whooaaaaaaaa what happened to the threaddd? ;_; The wonderful, glorioussssss threaddddddddd ;_;
Ok anyway!
That elf guy who died was named Haldir, umm... was he a book guy? I thought that was sad too, him dying reminded me of a Star Trek ensign. :'(
Ummm, isn't Shelob Neutral instead of evil? Or is she a spider... from HELL!? ;_;
Ummm ummm, I kind of want to know what's wrong with the elfies, too. I thought they were cools! I wish their specialty was halberdness instead of archery, but I don't know why. Did anyone have a halberd in the movies? :( I wanted to see some. :(
I hated that scene where Legolas takes down an Oliphaunt, ugghhughh. ;_; That last part seemed so unnecessary (The riders had already been OWNED), but my brother in law said it's so the Oliphaunt didn't wander around trampling on people. So ok... but stop snowboarding, Legolas!!!!
Oh, oh! I kind of remember samurai guys at the scene where Sam and Frodo find the Black Gate. Where'd they goooo???? Are they the ones who attacked the dwarves or something?
I liked Faramir still! Uhhhh, is it bad to like him in the movie? Anyway, I did!
What's the scouring of the Shire? Were they attacked or something? The place looked fine at the end of the movie I think, ummm. Do the hobbits have an army?
Why am I so interested in the Haradrim? :(
Sorry for the random list of replies to lots of different posts! But everyone said a lotttt of things!
Oh wait, I just remembered something! Thank you "Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post." warning! You are a true friend!
I thought it was reallyyyyy really weird that Sam left Frodo when Frodo told him to. He already heard Gollum talk about killing them and getting the ring (Or was it only one of those two? I think it was both.), so that was pretty uhhh... yeah. But when I think about what else he should have done, I have no idea. Umm. And because he went down, he found the foodses. And meow, not sure what I'm tryinnngggg to say!
Did the Rohan really do bad things to the people with the funny teeth? The uhhh... I think they were just called wildmen. That doesn't sound like the Rohan, unless they did it when Theoden was zombified. ;_;