I'm hoping one of you folks can help me out. I'm completely new to the realm of modding IE games, and I'm just trying to get my monies worth out of BG2 and TOB. I just finished the game yesterday with a whole bunch of mods installed...all of them weidu. Well I never kept careful track of which mods I had installed (though off the top of my head thereis item upgrades, solifen, banter pack, official patches, tweakpack, maybe baulderdash fix pack, improved bhaalspawn powers, and eseries) and I now want to start a new clean game and take out some of the mods and add some more npc mods and quest mods. I never had a backup of the clean install and when I try to reinstall all of the BGII it restores the old game including the save files and all mods. I do a full uninstall and a full reinstall. Any ideas why my old file is restoring itself? Is there some kind of windows back up or something that I'm not catching?
Any thoughts would be very appriciated.