I see that on the Studios version of this thread, it has been encouraged to do serious DLG development with DLTCEP and use WeiDU for distribution. I also see that further discussion on the matter has been referred here, which I suppose is laudable in its way.
I continue to discourage this method for creation of more than the most trivial of DLGs (seriously, at about the 2-state mark is where you start to get time savings with WeiDU) on grounds of both convenience and power.
Specifically, I would like to see a proponent of that development method explain how to create and distribute this sequence.
IF ~Global("HadThisTalk","LOCALS",0)
DO ~SetGlobal("HadThisTalk","LOCALS",1)~
== NPC2 ~Hi there!~
== NPC3 ~Ho there!~
== JAHEIRAJ IF ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Jaheira")~ THEN ~Enough.~
== NPC1 ~What's up?~
== NPC2 ~Nothing.~
== JANJ IF ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Jan")~ THEN ~Nothing? Why (rattle on for a while here.)~
== NPC3 ~Same old, same old.~
... hopefully, I'm making my point here. Either that, or it's back to graphic imagery.