So many.
General- Ascension (Necessary)
- BG2 Fixpacks (Necessary)
- BG2 Tweaks (So great. It's so nice to have so many tweaks in one mod)
- Divine Remix (I really like what they do, and all the kits)
- Dungeon-Be-Gone (Pure love. Jasper is a god.)
- Zyrean's Miscellany (I really like how Zyr worked everything out in it.)
- Unfinished Business (More quests are good.)
- Ding0's Quest Pack (See above.)
- Baldur's Gate Trilogy (Necessary. Always. I haven't played a game without it since the first time I played BG2, and I wouldn't go back.)
NPC-Related- NPC Kit Pack (Some of these just seem so obvious.)
- NPC Tweak Pack (Again, some of this feels like it should have been in it before.)
- Banter Pack (More talking = good.)
- NPC Flirt Pack (Really brings the romances to life.)
- BG1 NPC Project (I love it so much. I'm such a fangirl of this one.)
NPC Mods- Kelsey (Obligated. He's well written, well voiced.)
- Keto (Again, very fun and I really like her voicing.)
- Xan (What would I do without my gloomy enchanter? Excellant job. I liked his new voice too!)
- Kivan (Another necessity. His is an amazingly done mod. No question.)
- Tashia (Very well written, plus the riddles were a very nice little bonus.)
- Solaufein (Wish his flirt pack would be released soon!

- Nathaniel (He's just adorable.)
- Saerileth (Well written, amazing voice, love the quests and areas..)
- Tsujatha (All-around well done. I'm a fan of Sillara and Nethrin's work.)
- Yasraena (A bit over-powered, but I really liked her nonetheless.)
What can I say, I'm one of those that mods their game so much it's not even funny.
I've been lucky in that I've never had any game-breaking bugs though. Yet.