Thanks for your punctual answers! I have a couple more of questions though

: from the FAQ, you speak of a possible TuTu version. Since I'd be very interested in that specific version, can you say a little more about it ?
Also: speaking of the modifications to the Bow's family: how will this come along with other mods' weapons ? What I mean is: Fields of the Dead, bringing core fixes and weapon/AI modifications plus all the rest (I am so excited!) should be installed last to prevent other mods to change some of its characteristics,right ?
Personally, I'd not say that long ranged weapon were too powerful in BG. I do believe in this rule: no thrown or long range weapon should ever benefit of the Strenght modifier but of the Dexterity's one. That would make the game unbalanced. Think of this: a composite long bow is an exceptionally fine construction. The quality of the item itself should give a bonus for its use and not only the wielder's ability. As consquence, the "natural" +1 of the Composite long bow is for me a smart solution and doesn't really make such weapon too strong (my opinion).
Think of a fighter in a melee with (temporary) Strenght 22 (it's not at all strange in the BG campaign if you just think of Giant Strenght potion): what kind of incredible bonus to hit and damage does he have at high level ? The same doesn't apply (although fairly) to long ranged weapons. But then I think a "natural" bonus for them should be fair instead. The speed factor and the rate of fire should be tweaked accordingly. Thanks for your patience (and for your answers!).