Author Topic: Updates  (Read 210360 times)

Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2004, 06:56:41 AM »
Sorry, no release dates. Announcing one would only result in people getting disappointed when the mod is delayed. My previous estimations have all turned out to be wrong. But if you really want to when I think (hope) it may be completed, I would say late Q1 or early Q2. :)

The beta will not be open as I prefer to limit it to myself and a couple of other modders. Testing is not as much concerned with playing the mod as it is with finding errors and trying to break things.



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Re: Updates
« Reply #26 on: December 06, 2004, 07:52:25 AM »
That is not the answer I had hoped for.. ::) :-\

Better adjust your FAQ then I just read today. ;)

"Q: When will it be released?
A: 2004."

To bad, sunday is my birthday. To play this mod after my birthday would be a cool birthday gift. ;D

Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #27 on: December 06, 2004, 08:05:37 AM »
Better adjust your FAQ then I just read today. ;)

"Q: When will it be released?
A: 2004."

It will be updated at some point.

To bad, sunday is my birthday. To play this mod after my birthday would be a cool birthday gift. ;D

The coming sunday? That is very optimistic of you!



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Re: Updates
« Reply #28 on: December 06, 2004, 08:16:31 AM »
But becoming a beta-tester or something is impossible?
Someone who is just playing the mod when the 'beta' is released en reports any things that don't function as they should while playing.
This is my last post anyway. You won't be disturbed by me anymore. :-Zzz

Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2004, 08:44:44 AM »
I do not think I am going to answer that question until the beta is ready and I know how many testers I have. Seeing as only half of the testers played the alpha I suppose I am going to need twice as many. ;)



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Re: Updates
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2004, 07:53:40 AM »
If you want any more betatesters: Count me in!
I can only play it of course, but I would report any bugs I would find. ;D


Is the mod still alive.. :'( :-[ ::) ;D?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2004, 12:06:29 PM by LoOk »

Offline Mageling

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Re: Updates
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2004, 07:04:30 AM »

Is the mod still alive..
Heh, you are welcome. :)

By the way, none of you should expect any progress during the rest of November and all of December as I am busy with exams and papers.


i think that about says it, I'm sure he hasn't spend alot of his time with this mod to let it die  ;)


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Re: Updates
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2004, 09:55:53 AM »
Sorry, forget to check his news on his webpage.. :-[

Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2005, 10:56:40 AM »
What Mageling said.


Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2005, 01:52:53 PM »
19 January 2005

Strength bonuses no longer apply to darts and throwing daggers. Composite Bows have been removed from the game. So has Choke and Throbbing Bones, due to bugs that cannot be fixed.


Offline Marauder

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Re: Updates
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2005, 06:36:18 AM »
why did the composite get trashed? they exsisted in the dark ages...

Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2005, 10:15:54 AM »
The reason they have been removed is related to game balance. The way the game is designed an item either allows the benefit of a strength bonus or it does not. Composite Bows should grant that benefit but as there is no way to limit it to a certain amount of strength and as the game has potions that provide strength all the way up to 24, I decided to remove them.


Offline SirLancelot

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Re: Updates
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2005, 11:57:43 AM »
The reason they have been removed is related to game balance. The way the game is designed an item either allows the benefit of a strength bonus or it does not. Composite Bows should grant that benefit but as there is no way to limit it to a certain amount of strength and as the game has potions that provide strength all the way up to 24, I decided to remove them.




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Re: Updates
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2005, 06:04:32 AM »
Wait one moment! Let's see if I have understood well: are you saying that the (unfair) Strenght bonus to throwing weapons can be removed from Daggers and Darts but not from Composite Long Bows ?  ???
« Last Edit: January 25, 2005, 06:08:57 AM by Salk »

Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2005, 06:09:45 AM »
It can be removed from all weapons. However, if a Composite Long Bow does not grant a strength bonus is becomes a normal Long Bow and there is no reason to have two identical weapons in the game with different names.



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Re: Updates
« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2005, 06:54:20 AM »
It's such a shame to abandon the Composite Long Bow...Perhaps, Echon, I can come with a valid suggestion. If I am not mistaken, there should be increasing penalties to the THAC0 for long range attacks based on distance (and of course a -6, I think, if one use ranged weapons in melee). We could keep the composite bow and reduce (or eliminate totally) the malus from ranged attacks made with such weapon due to its particular construction (easier to hold, more balanced thus easier to aim with compared to normal short and long bow). This would be very realistic and would suit the P&P experience. What do you think of that ? 
« Last Edit: January 25, 2005, 06:57:50 AM by Salk »

Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2005, 07:19:56 AM »
It is true that users of ranged weapons suffer penalties when using these at medium or long range, but with Baldur's Gate incredibly short view distance, it would only apply to a few weapons. Besides, the penalties are not implemented and cannot be implemented. The Composite Long Bow is out of the game and I do not want to put it back in.



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Re: Updates
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2005, 08:03:25 AM »
Oh since such penalty is not implemented originally by Baldur's Gate due to the short view distance, your decision is certainly right. It's just a bit sad for people like me that has always liked Bows. However I wonder: what happens to the magic composite bows that one can find in the campaign ? Will they be "converted" into Long bows ?  :)

Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2005, 08:15:12 AM »
If you like bows that much, you will probably be pleseantly surprised to find that there are still short bows and long bows in the game. The composite long bow +1 will not be turned into a long bow +1 available from the same store but the mod does feature new and unique magical bows.



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Re: Updates
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2005, 09:46:55 AM »
Let's say I am a fan of all kind of bows (short, long, composite, heavy and light crossbows) so I will miss one of the "family" but I do understand the primary need for keeping the game balanced and I agree with you this must be the main concern. One (silly) question though. In BG's manual, it's stated that the only difference (not a good one according to me because the composite bow should grant better aim at targeting and not more damage) between the long bow and the composite version is that the latter deals +2 more points of damage. Both have +1 to the THAC0. I know you said the composite long bow is gone for good but giving it a "natural" bonus (let's say +2 compared to the +1 of the normal long bow) to the THAC0 because of its peculiar construction could be admittable, I think. The melee weapons take advantage of the strenght modifier which is not unusual to be extremely high thanks to potions that last several hours (not to mention that one can have a shield and bows are all two handed). I'd think the game would be more balanced by having long range weapon more effective. I won't bother you anymore with this, I promise!  ;D
« Last Edit: January 25, 2005, 09:49:10 AM by Salk »

Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #45 on: January 25, 2005, 10:38:30 AM »
I am not sure where the long bow's +1 to THAC0 comes from but I believe BioWare gave the composite long bow its THAC0 and damage bonuses because they discovered during testing that allowing it a strength bonus with no limits was overpowered. I do not find these generic bonuses which do not rely on the user's strength score a desirable alternative.

Now, the only difference in P&P between long bows and composite long bows is that the latter's special construction (it must be handmade) allows the user to benefit from a high strength score as if he was using a melee weapon or a thrown weapon.

You say the game would be better balanced if ranged weapons were more effective but the only thing I can recall is people saying is that ranged weapons were too powerful in BG and that is also my own opinion. (Ironically, in an attempt to balance that in BG2, they become too weak). This is due to the bonuses long bows grant, the fact that bows, crossbows and slings were missing their speed factors and crossbows being toned down. The speed factor of these weapons have been restored, bows have been toned down and crossbows have been made stronger.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2005, 10:41:00 AM by Echon »


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Re: Updates
« Reply #46 on: January 25, 2005, 11:15:06 AM »
Thanks for your punctual answers! I have a couple more of questions though  ;): from the FAQ, you speak of a possible TuTu version. Since I'd be very interested in that specific version, can you say a little more about it ?

Also: speaking of the modifications to the Bow's family: how will this come along with other mods' weapons ? What I mean is: Fields of the Dead, bringing core fixes and weapon/AI modifications plus all the rest (I am so excited!) should be installed last to prevent other mods to change some of its characteristics,right ?

Personally, I'd not say that long ranged weapon were too powerful in BG. I do believe in this rule: no thrown or long range weapon should ever benefit of the Strenght modifier but of the Dexterity's one. That would make the game unbalanced. Think of this: a composite long bow is an exceptionally fine construction. The quality of the item itself should give a bonus for its use and not only the wielder's ability. As consquence, the "natural" +1 of the Composite long bow is for me a smart solution and doesn't really make such weapon too strong (my opinion).

 Think of a fighter in a melee with (temporary) Strenght 22 (it's not at all strange in the BG campaign if you just think of Giant Strenght potion): what kind of incredible bonus to hit and damage does he have at high level ? The same doesn't apply (although fairly) to long ranged weapons. But then I think a "natural" bonus for them should be fair instead. The speed factor and the rate of fire should be tweaked accordingly. Thanks for your patience (and for your answers!).
« Last Edit: January 25, 2005, 11:17:06 AM by Salk »

Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2005, 11:33:39 AM »
from the FAQ, you speak of a possible TuTu version. Since I'd be very interested in that specific version, can you say a little more about it ?

It will be the same as the normal version. It has not yet been tested whether the mod will actually work under Tutu, though,  as it does not have an installer yet.

Also: speaking of the modifications to the Bow's family: how will this come along with other mods' weapons ? What I mean is: Fields of the Dead, bringing core fixes and weapon/AI modifications plus all the rest (I am so excited!) should be installed last to prevent other mods to change some of its characteristics,right ?

Is this was a 'rael wiedu m0d' then that would be true. However, at the moment it simply overwrites files so FotD does not directly alter the contents of other mods, but it may indirectly alter them if they draw upon resources that FotD modifies.


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Re: Updates
« Reply #48 on: January 26, 2005, 09:55:20 PM »
. . . FotD does not directly alter the contents of other mods, but it may indirectly alter them if they draw upon resources that FotD modifies.

  and vice versa in some/most cases?
the lord of murder shall perish, yadda yadda yadda.

Offline Echon

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Re: Updates
« Reply #49 on: January 27, 2005, 02:28:29 AM »
Yes, that is also possible.



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