Author Topic: Making a Non-Joinable NPC Surrender  (Read 1453 times)

Offline Sleeta

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Making a Non-Joinable NPC Surrender
« on: December 04, 2004, 01:46:03 PM »
Yes, me again.  Sorry.  One of these days, I'll know everything I need to know so that I needn't pester the IE Help people so badly.  Until then . . .

Is it possible to script a command so that when a non-joinable NPC, after going hostile in a dialogue, takes a certain amount of damage (say, until he gets to the "Badly Wounded" status), will then surrender and initiate dialogue with the PC?  How would I go about doing such a thing?

Thanks for any help.  :)
This would be an insightful/humorous quote.  If I wasn't too lazy to think of one.

Phenalope - Get by with a little help from your friend.  Even if that help is usually illegal.

Offline jcompton

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Re: Making a Non-Joinable NPC Surrender
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2004, 02:26:04 PM »
Use of HPLT/HPPercentLT and ChangeEnemyAlly("Person",NEUTRAL) and StartDialogueNoSet should cut it.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2004, 02:33:52 PM by jcompton »
Cespenar says, "Kelsey and friends be at the Pocket Plane? Ohhh yesssss!"

Offline jcompton

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Re: Making a Non-Joinable NPC Surrender
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2004, 02:34:57 PM »
Also note that you may wish to make use of MINHP1 here because some players can dish out damage REAL effectively, and they might have hit the guy with a damage-over-time spell as well (acid arrow, insect swarm, etc.)
Cespenar says, "Kelsey and friends be at the Pocket Plane? Ohhh yesssss!"


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