OMG!!!1111 So, K, alassasbigeerfan and me,shemp, have decided to CLOBBERATE on this story,cuz Allassa is teh c00lest and it takes a team effart toget her truestory out there to the ppl and give Mr. Dang0 his props for maknig this awsum mod that pownzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!1111 TANKS MR.DANG0000000000!!!!!1111
Shout out 2 our sistah alasafan, who made everythnig possibull and showed us what grate fanfic was allabout. SHOYT 2 TEH SISTAH!!!!1111
K, and theres sumone verry verry spoecial we have 2 thank 4 being teh best evaaarrr ixcept 4 Allasassa, and tht is Kiz^^3t, cuz she pwnz and is nice and we cant wait 2 play her Collin TC she iz making wit hst. josphesine and flirt with him cuz hes sooo HAWT! OMG!!!!!111 is it done yet??//?
@ANDYRE-its smooooth u like teh story and UR ACES!!11 We relly apreciate ur support to our fanfic and yur slime dude NPC mod iz awesume, K?? Romacne 4 him soon?!?! Slimy kisses LOLOLOl!!
?*?////8**88 CHAPTRE 7 === A CLOBBERATION BTWEEN alassasbigeerfan AND Shemp /////R0x0rZZZ!!!888
K, so Allsa and Amenon went over to Vicoina to see what she had to say but all she did was inslt them while Amonem got all hot and bothered cos she was sooooo HAWT with like her sexxy insults and the way she gave charname a hummer in the tub (Lassa hadnt herd abut that one but Anmen knew alll about it somhow and was very jealous because he had jad many baths and it nevar happened to him. Alsa sighed with cunning and charm and said she dint hav time to go down on anything except the location of the NECKLASS OF THE COUCIL
Anyway, Alassa didnt need some other evil slut hogging all the glory. So she let her roast. Not because she was dark like coal and the menber of a evil race but because she had work to do and dint need Amnonen any mor distracted than he already was by her SUPAR HOTTIE HOTNESS.
So, 'k, I kinda ran outta syteam hear cos I dont know what Alalalsa is gonna do next?! Help me Shemp! You ROX!11!!!
SUX0RZZ, alassasbigeerfan!111! writter's block is a
monkie-spanking bitch! not a nice ladie! (not 2 be all polotical, but sum of teh moderatorz need to chill out and be more like Alasaa, K? like dont opress us with ur rulez and grammar and being nice 2 monkies!!! O.M.G!111) but, KK, writters block is part of the craft of writting, y'now??/??/ do wot i do and have lotz of cookies and chocklit. evrything is bettar with chocklit!!!!!11 LOLOLOLAOMAOTC!!!!!11
OMG! i just had the best ideal! Teh next part of this chaptre is deddicated 2 Gehryfain, cuz he is redding the storey to and hes a pirate and hes a canadian and thats what fanfic is allabout.
******8****MOOR OF CHAPTRE 7 A CLOBBERATION BTWEEN alassasbigeerfan AND Shenp /////AWESUM69!LOL!!
Viccona was all toasted, becuse shes an evil slut and there can be onlyu one, K?
"talking to Vicona dind't help, Manoman, we hav ewasted preshous time and we only have until midnite to get the NECKLESS oF TEH CUONCIL and at this rate wewill never get allthe gold and have more sex and i will use my cunning and charm to think of were we can look for teh NACKLACES next.'
Verrily, milasy, we should go to the govnerment district!" Annoman said
but allassa notissed that amoman was lokking at Viconnas ashes like they were hawt and on fire with hottness and not at her silky blond hair or her geraffe-like neck or her violit eyes or her boobytraps and she decidded to teach hima a lesson he wuld not forget soon about messing around on a
ballspaewn relly sexy thief who kicks ass!
"die!die!die!" Allasssa punched amonan with her punch daggars and poisuned him until he could not be poissened anymore amd he died and she laughted ans stole his codpiece. she was evil so it was like a trophy of evil
alaasa had an ideal of where the COUSEL OF TEH CROWN might be hiding in there SEKRIT LAIR because she was the smartest NPC evarr so she put on her clogs of speed on her feet of hawtness and flew to BLADEZ OVAR BRINNLAW!!!1111!!!!
TO be CONTINED...........!!!!!!