Author Topic: ALASSAS BIG NIGHT ON THE TOWN  (Read 30345 times)

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« on: August 13, 2004, 11:16:38 AM »
Moderator's note: Just in case anyone is confused, llama counterintelligence reports that the following fan fiction adventure was meant to pull our leg. - Bons


Alasa didnt come to athlatka looking for  a good time but a good time found her.

alassa smiled as she pulled her two punch dagers from kesleys bloody chest. at last she had killed her main rival in shoe collections. she put on the clogs he woouldnt give her and struted proudly over to the crooked crane where she knew she's find the kind of action she needed

time passed and so did the beer.

'give me another beer over there! she said to the fat barkeep. "ahahahaah anything for you allassa!' he said.

"aalasa wasnt the kind of girl whow ould stick her neck out for just anybody. so when renal bloodscapl's eldest son Lt Agisfield came looking for a favor she knew she would have to think it over. "i have to think it over! she said. 10000 gold was a lot but it wasnt enough to save imeon."

agisfield wanted her to infiltrate the jistev estate and steal back the CROWN OF THE COUNSIL OF 6. the jistevs didnt steal it but thier rivals hid it there but nobody could get into the heavily guarded compound to get it out

"i have to think it over", she said and agisfield said "okay but the offer is only good until midnight. after that, i must find another to infiltrate the estate. you and i know you are the best but if i can't have the best ill have to have someone else."

"ahahah you wish you could have me because i AM the best" said allina and both of them knew what she was talking about.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2004, 08:44:40 PM by Bons »

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« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2004, 10:08:03 PM »

Allasa waved goodbye to her lover hector with one hand and towelled off her stomahc with the other. she knew he would have helped her but it wasnt his time he had a destiny ahead and now she was relaxed and knew wht she wanted to do.

Aegasfield made a big mistake coming to her, she smiled to herself. he told her everything she needed to know about the great prize the CROWN OF THE COUSNEL and knew that if the counsil would pay her 10000 for it to keep it quiet if she found it herself, or maybe could sell it to an enemy.

so alasa picked up her punch daggers and sheathed them in their empty sheaths. they were a gift from annah when the two of them were on an important job for a red Wizard. allasa saved anah's life that day and she gave her the daggrs as repayment. Allassa promised she would never let them out her her sight for a minute after that.

there was only one other thing alass had to do before the job and that was to see her good friend kimset. kimset wasnt an assassin or a thief like her she was a beautiful witch and potion brewer. alasssa bought an extra invisiblity potion from kimset and gave her way too much money like always and they huged. kimset worried that alina might not come back frmo her jobs but she knew she always did but she did it anyway.

alasa went to the temple district of town and walked down the long windy roads to get to the temple. it was late but the hores and beggars never seemed to go away bvut she ignored them like always they weren t worth the trouble to kill.

aLasasa smiled cutely as she HID in the shadoes to keep from being seen.  Noone was a match for her cunning and charm and silky blond hair.  One violet eye watched the guard while another kept a eye on the other side where she couldn't see because it was dark and she couldn't see in the dark like a elf.


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« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2004, 10:09:49 PM »
PS: OMG KIMSET I AM SOOOO SORRY I FORGOT TO CREDIT UR IDEA! i really am sorry and hope its cool with u that ur in the story!

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« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2004, 11:21:58 PM »

"this is the best time!" said alasa as the guard fell to the poisoned puchn dagger. ' so much can happen during the night!' she said when he hit the floor

so far she hadnt had to kill any other gaurds. two others was blackjakked and that was fine with her she didnt like to leave behind any more bodies than she had to. her mentor garret taught her that a sleeping guard was worth 5 dead ones and it took her a while to understand that but she fianlly did.

she knew she couldnt hide in shadows 4ever so she got out krismet's potion and drank it all in one swallow except for the parts that ran down the side of her face and tickled. she knew it was time to make a break for the jystev vault. no one could hear and no one could sound the alarm and no one could know she was there agrisfeld said he wouldnt get anyone else until midnight and she knew he was as preditcable as old faithful that way. she had at least 20 more mintues plenty of time

alasa tried to think like a thief which wasnt hard because she was won. She thought that the best place to hide a trasure in a house to not be found was in  a safe. unless the rich people were the kind to count their rich stuff all the time they probably wont look very often. so alasa invisibly went straight for the valt room in the estate. shed never been there before but all these housse looked the same so she found it right away.

what she saw in the room made her blood run very cold but then very hot. a slender man w/dark sculpured features was working on the comnibation of the vault. his delicate black eartip touched the black iron of the vault so that he almost disapeared. she wished he would it would be easier that way. but not as fun

"my darling alassa" the elf said if you were not before me tonight then you would be before me some other night. it was inevitable. unless you do not believe in the inevitable. tell me alasa, do u beleive there is fate or do we control our own destiny?

"SOULAFEIN!!" she yelled


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« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2004, 11:22:24 PM »
ive had a really good time writing this story this far but you know what would be even better???



since kimset and stjo have already sent me ideas (and st jo omg i cant beleive i did it AGAIN I FORGOT TO SAY THANX FOR AN IDEA! FREINDS STILL XOXOXOXO?)

neway, i think with all this help its time for u to help

what do u think allasas hould do next? i figure if we make a list and post regular chapters in the story thenwe can help simm make the mod better quicker! like he can put the best parts into the mod!


Offline SimDing0™

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« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2004, 07:11:35 AM »
I think that is an excellent idea. As the author of Alassa, I thought maybe I'd post a chapter or so to help people get some inspiration. Sorry if it seems like I'm stealing the limelight from you here; your support is much appreciated.

Chapter IV - An Old Enemy*

"Yes Alassa, it is me!" replied Solaufein. "It's been too long, as I'm sure you see."

"Indeed it has, my Solaufein. Much have I missed your conversation and... companionship."

Solaufein abandoned his work at the safe for a while, and they moved closer. She embraced his slender figure and he embraced hers. They stood for one moment, bodies and lips interlocked, and then she quickly slid her hand down to his slender package.

"Oh, Solaufein!" she exclaimed.

"Quiet, Alassa. Do you want to wake the guard?" Solaufain brought a single slender finger up and crossed his lips with it. "To spoil my work, after I've been working so long and hard?" He returned to the safe, to finish what he had started.

Before she knew it, Solaufein had thrown open the vault and held in his hand a small parchment. He read it aloud.

"If you are looking for the CROWN OF THE CONSUL, you are too late. It is already gone, and so are you.  - K."

"I wonder who this 'K' could be," pondered Solaufein. "A person shrouded in mystery."

Alassa had some clue as to who 'K' might be, but she did not let on. Instead, she clasped at Soluafein's slender hand. Their fingers interlocked, as they had done so many times before.

"Alassa, do not worry, for I know that is what you do," Solaufein comforted her. "But now we must both hurry, and I will let nothing hurt you."

As they headed towards the door, it burst open and a familiar fiery-haired figure became visible in the darkness. Both Alassa and Solaufein froze in their steps, although no Power Word spell had been uttered. Divine magic was not uncommon in Athkatla, and Kelsey had found no difficulty in having himself resurrected for a small fee.

"Kelsey! What are you doing here?" squealed Alassa.

"Alassa, what is going on between you and Solaufein? I get the impression he thinks your relationship is more than professional. Is it?" The redhead's lips were twisted in a cruel manner.

"It is. I like it. He's in, you're out, sorcerer. It was over between us when I killed you." Alassa's resolve was strengthened.

"He... he holds your hand and reads you a little poetry and suddenly, I mean nothing." Kelsey now appeared almost upset.

"Ginger!" screamed Solaufein, pronouncing it with a hard 'g' for exaggerated cruelty.

This angered Kelsey, and he charged forward, Black Blade of Disaster aiming for Solaufein's heart.

The drow had little difficulty in throwing his slender body out of harm's way. Kelsey spun, and regained some of his senses. Instead of charging ahead again, he muttered a few incantations, and Solaufein was turned to nothing more than a slender pile of dust.

"NO!" Alassa screamed, the agony evident on her face. Out came the punch daggers, and she launched herself into the air, diving into a series of somersaults during which she tore at Kelsey constantly with the daggers. Their enchantment allowed them to pierce Kelsey's protective magic, striking deep and true.

"I'm so sorry, Alassa," muttered Kelsey as his disembodied head fell to the ground.

* Portions of this story are taken from Jason Compton's Solaufein/Kelsey conflict. All credits to him for those sections. Anyone who is interested in rewriting the copied parts of the story so they are as original as the rest is more than welcome.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2004, 07:17:05 AM by SimDing0™ »


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« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2004, 09:36:22 AM »
OMG!!1 This is teh best story ive ever read ever and u made it a round robbin!!11 FUUUUNNNNNNNN  i am big fan of allassa to, so i have lots of ideals and stufff i can give mr. dign00 for his mod becase it is the best ever of the good mods and the fans make things better K becuase we like stfuf and ppl who dont like allasa stuff sux!!!!!! :) :) :)

*/*?*?*CHAPTRE 5!1!!*/*??//

alisa rached inside kesley's robes at belt level but there was nothing there. No Crown of C that is HAHAHAHA!!!1111 Allassa was sad Kelsey was dead agin. killing him was cool and she could kill him all night and no one could stop her and she was the ace thief and her hair was silky and she ruled but he was dead so she had to do something else.

'where can the amulet be?' alasa wonnered. Klesey took it but i search his robes and the amulet is not there so where can it be? i am smart so i know he had a acompplice,'

allassa had ideals for who could be kelsies partner in crime so she went to that place and left the jjssstyev estate and went to that place instead.

Renel bloddscalp may have been the king of the shadow thieves but he was no match for allisas cunning and charm. he admiraled her graceful giraffe-like neck and knew she was a bettee thief in every way there was to be a better thief plus she told him so.

"were is the ring, shoryty???? i know u have it give it to me now and maybe ill let u find out if my leather pants R booby trapped."

i dont know about any ring of the councill of 6!! Renel insisted, fear in his eyes and lust in his heart.

"HAHA!! i am to smart for u i never mentioned the counsel of 6!!111 u fell into my cunning trap!11"

"i cant give you the ring." renel said. 'can we have sex, tho?"

"no, ypull give me the RING OF TEH COUSEL or ill slaughter every last won of ur thieves and leave u hanging on the wall impaled by poissened punch daggars while i gather up all ur gold i can carry then ill take back my piunch daggars because they are magic and special and leave you to bleed to death while i spend the coin on ale and parties and manwhores."

"id rather have sex." rennal said.

allassa was bored now so she gave a battle cry "die!diedie!" and stabbed Renel bloodsclap and all the shadow thieves and killed them very dead. then she went to see Anomen.


OMG i hope u liked it its my furst post HAHAHAHA!!


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« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2004, 12:14:07 PM »
THX alasafan for leting me post this!   :-*  i LUV alasssa she is my roll modal and everything she does i want to do to! LOL11!!!! 

?///??^chaprT sex imeen 6 heh! LOL???(0  :-*

Alsaasa bounced down the street, her violet eyes darting here and theer looking at evething cos if yu didn’t your dead.  she new she looked hot, yeah, and she new everone new she did 2.  so it wanst any big surprise whne she herd a low "arrgghhh' com from the dark corner.  Tho this sounded lik she new it befour.

<Anommen!" aLassa said with her silky blond hair stepping closer.  Is That yu?  Stop jigglin yur codpiece i nedd yur helpp."

Anomen looked sullenly at her violet eyes and silky blond hair.  "I cant help you he said sullenly looking at her violet eyes and silky blond hair.Im LN.  that meens I don’t brake the law all the time like yu with yur cunning and charm"

'WhatEVAR" said alllsa . just kill yur fatehr and that stoopid guy and his kid already.  If yu do, I will let yu see if my leathar pants r booby trappet aftre yu help me get the CHALICE OF THE COUNSL.  deal?
So anOman went and killet everyon cos alssa told him too and came back and said now im CN and ill help yu.

Grate! Said alsa now this is what weer gonna do...

Suddnely they were intrrupted by a smirking voice that could only belong to one mand and one man only and Alssa had already killed him twice nad now she wa gonna habe to kill him again?  SUX!111!

Hmmm, maybee not,,,

"I think yu two shuld fight it out to th deth.  that would be sooooo hot.'

Klesley shot a mislle at Anomand and Annonem whompd Kesley on the hed with his mace and alssa smiled cutely with her cunning and charm.

soon Anneommen lay ded at her feet and she looked into Kelseys face.

Dammit.  She hadn't figured on that it was time to reload.


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« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2004, 03:06:56 PM »
OMG!!this fanfic r0x0rz!! an it is amazin how much allasssa is like a real person. it just shows how gud the writting of ppl like Dign0 and lassafan and others are.

Parts of this is stolenf rom alassasbigeerfan becuz she is sooooo inspirashunal and we are all a communitee so no polotics and best friends 4ever. staysweetkisses

~//?/****CHAPTRE 7 ***8*/?

"I think yu two shuld fight it out to th deth.  that would be sooooo hot.'

Klesley shot a mislle at Anomand and Annonem whompd Kesley on the hed with his mace and alssa smiled cutely with her cunning and charm.

soon Kelssey lay ded at her feet and she looked into Annomans face. Anomman lokked into her face and into her violit eyes and into her silky blond hair and sed, "yur hawt, milady. Letme prove my featly this eve with my sword (becuz ashesofembers installed, k?) and codpiece. i wan tto help u because ur the BEST and you know what i mean when i say your the BEST." They nodded because they new what he meant. "Noone in this town shall stand bteween us!

alasssa thought that sounded like fun. "that dsounds like fun, Annomen. i prefer lying to standiong. You red my mind.lets go back to youre place."

they traveled to the govt. district. it was a dark and stormy night and there was lightening and rain and wind and rain so when they got there they had to take off all there soggy armor and have sex.

it was reaally hawt but afterwards insteads of banter allassa wanted a nap. when she woke up she prodded anoman with her plans.
"the night is young and we have things to do. i am looking for the HARP OF TEH COUNCILL OF 6. Lt. Aeigusfeeld aprroached me to steal it for him but im going to doubkecross him and steal it and get all the money myself and be rich."

"i prithee we steal it now as youve stollen my heart, milasy"

alassa was touched so they had more sex and rested.

'K, we really need to get up now." alasssa sed as she sheathed her poisened punch daggars in her sheaths then put on her leather pants. "the HARP was at the Justvyy estate but solafine got to it first but while i was using my cunning and charm on him Kelyes stole it first and now ive killed everyone who knows where the HARP OF 6 is, so this is going to be a tricky one and we only have until midnight so we need to hurry."

They got up and traveled to the goventment district and decided to wander around because the noght was young and hot and so were they.

"i am bewildered, milasy, that you have not asked me where i thought the HARP was yet in our hurried wandring" annoman said. 'i have a thery.'

"your quite a man. tell me where the HARP is, Anonam and we can have more sex.'

in my training as a soldjer for teh order who sux for not knighting me and giving me a wisdom of 16 so i can kick ass clericstyle, i learned strategy for tracking teh enemy. to find a HARP we must think like a HARP. if you were a HARP wehre would you be???//" anoman said this.

allaasa thought about his queston with charm and cunning. "if I were a HARP id be.. teh govrenment district!!! yeah we shuld go there next!!1"

"your brilliant and wise and perfect, milasy. aye, we shaall go there with do haste!!"

So they traveled to the govrenment district and found a bunch of people crowded in a bunch.

"hey, lets ask Vicona where the HARP OF TEH CONCILL is. shes tied to that stake and she doesnt looktoo busy. KK??"



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« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2004, 01:04:32 AM »
OMG!!!1111 So, K, alassasbigeerfan and me,shemp, have decided to CLOBBERATE on this story,cuz Allassa is teh c00lest and it takes a team effart toget her truestory out there to the ppl and give Mr. Dang0 his props for maknig this awsum mod that pownzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!1111 TANKS MR.DANG0000000000!!!!!1111 :) :) :) :)

Shout out 2 our sistah alasafan, who made everythnig possibull and showed us what grate fanfic was allabout. SHOYT 2 TEH SISTAH!!!!1111  8) 8) 8)

K, and theres sumone verry verry spoecial we have 2 thank 4 being teh best evaaarrr ixcept 4 Allasassa, and tht is Kiz^^3t, cuz she pwnz and is nice and we cant wait 2 play her Collin TC she iz making wit hst. josphesine and flirt with him cuz hes sooo HAWT! OMG!!!!!111 is it done yet??//?

@ANDYRE-its smooooth u like teh story and UR ACES!!11 We relly apreciate ur support to our fanfic and yur slime dude NPC mod iz awesume, K?? Romacne 4 him soon?!?! Slimy kisses LOLOLOl!!

?*?////8**88 CHAPTRE 7 === A CLOBBERATION BTWEEN alassasbigeerfan AND Shemp /////R0x0rZZZ!!!888

K, so Allsa and Amenon went over to Vicoina to see what she had to say but all she did was inslt them while Amonem got all hot and bothered cos she was sooooo HAWT with like her sexxy insults and the way she gave charname a hummer in the tub (Lassa hadnt herd abut that one but Anmen knew alll about it somhow and was very jealous because he had jad many baths and it nevar happened to him.  Alsa sighed with cunning and charm and said she dint hav time to go down on anything except the location of the NECKLASS OF THE COUCIL

Anyway, Alassa didnt need some other evil slut hogging all the glory.  So she let her roast.  Not because she was dark like coal and the menber of a evil race but because she had work to do and dint need Amnonen any mor distracted than he already was by her SUPAR HOTTIE HOTNESS.


So, 'k, I kinda ran outta syteam hear cos I dont know what Alalalsa is gonna do next?!  Help me Shemp!  You ROX!11!!!  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*


SUX0RZZ, alassasbigeerfan!111! writter's block is a monkie-spanking bitch! not a nice ladie! (not 2 be all polotical, but sum of teh moderatorz need to chill out and be more like Alasaa, K? like dont opress us with ur rulez and grammar and being nice 2 monkies!!! O.M.G!111) but, KK, writters block is part of the craft of writting, y'now??/??/ do wot i do and have lotz of cookies and chocklit. evrything is bettar with chocklit!!!!!11 LOLOLOLAOMAOTC!!!!!11

OMG! i just had the best ideal! Teh next part of this chaptre is deddicated 2 Gehryfain, cuz he is redding the storey to and hes a pirate and hes a canadian and thats what fanfic is allabout.

******8****MOOR OF CHAPTRE 7 A CLOBBERATION BTWEEN alassasbigeerfan AND Shenp /////AWESUM69!LOL!!

Viccona was all toasted, becuse shes an evil slut and there can be onlyu one, K?

"talking to Vicona dind't help, Manoman, we hav ewasted preshous time and we only have until midnite to get the NECKLESS oF TEH CUONCIL and at this rate wewill never get allthe gold and have more sex and i will use my cunning and charm to think of were we can look for teh NACKLACES next.'

Verrily, milasy, we should go to the govnerment district!" Annoman said

but allassa notissed that amoman was lokking at Viconnas ashes like they were hawt and on fire with hottness and not at her silky blond hair or her geraffe-like neck or her violit eyes or her boobytraps and she decidded to teach hima a lesson he wuld not forget soon about messing around on a ballspaewn relly sexy thief who kicks ass!

"die!die!die!" Allasssa punched amonan with her punch daggars and poisuned him until he could not be poissened anymore amd he died and she laughted ans stole his codpiece. she was evil so it was like a trophy of evil

alaasa had an ideal of where the COUSEL OF TEH CROWN might be hiding in there SEKRIT LAIR because she was the smartest NPC evarr so she put on her clogs of speed on her feet of hawtness and flew to BLADEZ OVAR BRINNLAW!!!1111!!!!


TO be CONTINED...........!!!!!!


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« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2004, 01:08:47 AM »
OMG!!!!111 LOLOLOL!!!

that was supossed to be CHAPTRE 8!!!!1111!!

LOLOLOLOLOLAOMC!!!1111 :-X :P 8) ;D ::) ;) :D :-*

Offline SimDing0™

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« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2004, 05:20:27 AM »
Chapter 9 CENSORED so as not to spoil Blades of Brynnlaw content. Bans have been placed for this leak of information.


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« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2004, 11:44:08 AM »
O, totally cool! I LOVE this one! So, I didn't play alassa, but I so see her like the real thing from this fiction. Now, is it just me, but she would be totally cool to havelike heat it up with Viconia? Next chappy, PLEASE??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2010, 12:58:22 AM »
Can we please have more? This is the best section of fan-fic on PPG, nay, on TEH INTARWEBS!!!
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« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2010, 12:59:35 PM »
Alasafan has been quiet for a while, although she has shown up other places, like here and here.

Searching the other sites I found this and that.

Alasafan sure got around.
Cespenar says, "Kelsey and friends be at the Pocket Plane? Ohhh yesssss!"

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« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2012, 02:05:47 AM »
Come back Alasafan, we miss you!

..and before anyone says it...


Edit: Admins, y u no like pics?
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 02:07:19 AM by MajorTomSawyer »
"A good pipe and tobacco will make you a patient philosopher or a philistine depending on how you are bent." - Ted's Pipe Shop

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« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2012, 04:11:25 PM »
I think the time someone spammed every PPG user's inbox with Comedy Dong Man was the time I disabled the image tag for member accounts.

Maybe alasafan will have something to say about the new BGEE content.
Cespenar says, "Kelsey and friends be at the Pocket Plane? Ohhh yesssss!"


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« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2014, 10:27:46 PM »
hai pokket plain & Jay Cramdown

i know whut u should do 2 celebrate

u should do ALLaSA



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« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2014, 09:42:50 AM »
There should be a reboot of the Alassa fanfic as the style is slightly outdated (very early 21st c., if you know what I mean.  :-Zzz), for inspiration might I suggest the author take a quick peek at TMNT love stories site.

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« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2014, 03:53:57 AM »
I disgaree based on the scroll.
Stupid is as stupid does.

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« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2021, 08:18:12 PM »
The worst part of returning to PPG is finding out no more fanfuc of this calibre has been written.


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