Author Topic: Bug report?  (Read 21298 times)

Offline yakosparks

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Bug report?
« on: July 10, 2004, 04:23:47 PM »
1- When I went to pick the girl, she was in one of the tombs but when you going to talk to her: no valid replies... so the quest can't be finished.
2- Maevar quest: go normal, said to Maevar about Roenal plans, sent back to plant evidence, back to Maevar, Maevar send me to kill Aran, went to Aran to warn him about that, he asks to kill Maevar, when I was to leave Aran turned red... reload... went to kill Aran, he's red but he does nothing, just standing there taking hits.
3- If want to pay back my debt, where I find someone to pay? I got to the island and the guy was there in red so no dialog were avaible.
That's it so far.
Best regards

Offline yakosparks

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2004, 04:50:40 PM »
I forgot: there is a mod that makes Maevar a bit more difficult, this mod seems to undone that, because he doesn't put an interesting fight.

Offline DocRob

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2004, 03:18:08 PM »
1- When I went to pick the girl, she was in one of the tombs but when you going to talk to her: no valid replies... so the quest can't be finished.

Ran into this same bug a few minutes ago.  She's there, named Girl but does not respond when you go to speak to her.  Missing dialog script? 

So far the only bug I've run into out of this pack, happy to say. :D

Offline Heckur

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2004, 04:06:08 PM »
1- When I went to pick the girl, she was in one of the tombs but when you going to talk to her: no valid replies... so the quest can't be finished.
I got that too.
1 - Paid debt to the thug in the south of the slums
2 - Didn't talk to Moiya but went to the tomb stright away
3 - There was a girl named Girl with nothing to say
4 - Went back to Moiya to told what I've done so far
5 - Back to the graveyards again, still no response.
6 - Search the whole graveyard but found nothing for _this_ quest
Great quest pack though! Really like it 8)

Offline SimDing0™

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2004, 04:17:32 PM »
Aargh. I'll fix this one for the next release. For now, if you want to continue, setting the following variables using the console will let the girl speak:


Offline Heckur

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2004, 04:26:48 PM »
Yeah! That did the trick. Thanks!

Offline yakosparks

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2004, 06:33:26 AM »
First, let me tell you is great idea this mod and of course, a very good one, still, I think there's some issues to be worked on it.
1- Somewhere in the readme it says that the falling pallading (can't remember the name) will be back... I've done the cup quest normally, so this Chatillion?, is killed... I wonder how can be back, anyway, I read again the readme and it says something about not changing his state (becoming enemy or something), I've done some quest, back from the underdark and he still isn't back... (ah, I am in the bridge district tho)
2- The money guy, I ask some money, first, when I sleep some guys came to kick me out, then some came to fight me, and I wanted then to pay him back but, I guess is because the girl thing, I can't find anybody to pay, the only thing is the guy in the island saying "how you find me" and becoming red so the inevitable fight (of course I didn't kill him).
3- I have installed Battles, Tactics and some others (all Weidu), the random encounters were nice from those mods, I read that this mod has "some encounters"; when I'm in town, you ran with this "mage-figther-thief-druid" and some more party between districts, now, this guys just stand there, doing nothing. I wonder why's that.
Again, great idea, I hope you can fix some of this issues.

Offline SimDing0™

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2004, 08:24:24 AM »
1) He's not coming back any time soon if you kill him. Make sure you complete the quest without him dying.

2) If he's fled, you don't need to pay him back. That's how it's supposed to work. If anyone has any thoughts on this, do feel free to air them.

3) Nothing to do with me. Tactics bug, I imagine.

Offline yakosparks

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2004, 06:33:52 AM »
1- Couldn't you make the guy (Chatillon?) just flee when the battle starts?
2- It would be fun (just an idea) the guy can stay in the game, and if you don't pay him he continues sending "collectors", let's say: first time 3 fighters, second 6 and so on; after all he doesn't have to flee because he is just "working" and if you agree to pay him back in a period he has the right to get what you HAVE to give him.
3- Positive, is nothing wrong with Battle or any other mod, I have my backups, so tried with and without the mod. Everything's fine without it.


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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2004, 07:03:28 AM »
In order for Chatillon not to turn hostile, you have to chose the right dialogue option - i.e. decline to join the fallen paladins.
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Offline SnowKing

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2004, 04:05:36 AM »
This is a different bug but I thought I'd post it here.

-When betraying the harpers and telling Xzar about the assassin, the PC gets 35 500 exp. but the rest of the part only gets 15 500. I'm guessing this is a bug otherwise it makes no sense and the other option would be better.
-After tricking Xzar the harper Lucette tells me the amulet is useless and we ask her why she killed him even though we already know. I didn't have the amulet (I had thrown it) and I knew it was an assassin so this does not make snese and they then lock the harper hold.


Offline Bookwyrme

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2004, 12:28:29 AM »
Aargh. I'll fix this one for the next release. For now, if you want to continue, setting the following variables using the console will let the girl speak:


I seem to be doing something wrong here. I keep getting "syntax error"  Is that the exact punctuation & all I should be using? And is it CluaConsole I should be using?

Also, minor problem: I hadn't been into any of the tombs when I went looking for her, so I fought all sorts of nasties & could not find her. It was only after reading this thread & going back into one of the tombs that she was there--I would have given up, otherwise, as I'd been everywhere.

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Offline SnowKing

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2004, 02:55:44 AM »
If the CLUA is not working, change the variable to one using ShadowKeeper. Just go add variable
SPRITE_IS_DEADd0thug2 and set it to 1, the same goes for SPRITE_IS_DEADd0thug3 and that made it work fine for me.

Offline hlidskialf

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2004, 07:34:49 AM »
Aargh. I'll fix this one for the next release. For now, if you want to continue, setting the following variables using the console will let the girl speak:


I seem to be doing something wrong here. I keep getting "syntax error"  Is that the exact punctuation & all I should be using? And is it CluaConsole I should be using?...


You have to type that exactly, including upper and lower case lettering.
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Offline Bookwyrme

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2004, 02:47:26 PM »

I seem to be doing something wrong here. I keep getting "syntax error"  Is that the exact punctuation & all I should be using? And is it CluaConsole I should be using?...


You have to type that exactly, including upper and lower case lettering.

That did it. Thanks!

I'm thoroughly enjoying  the Quest Pack.

Not only does it mean new "unofficial" quests, it's making me explore places I hadn't before, so now I've more "official" quests :)
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Offline Felstorm

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2004, 12:30:56 PM »
2- Maevar quest: go normal, said to Maevar about Roenal plans, sent back to plant evidence, back to Maevar, Maevar send me to kill Aran, went to Aran to warn him about that, he asks to kill Maevar, when I was to leave Aran turned red... reload... went to kill Aran, he's red but he does nothing, just standing there taking hits.

I get this too, any ideas on how to fix this ourselves?


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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2004, 12:41:54 PM »
ive run into a problem. after running into that bug i then decided to reload and go straight to the grave yard district instead of paying him 3g. i killed the thugs and the girl talked. after that i still owe money but cant pay it back cuz theres no one to pay back. Is this right? if so is there any solutions for this ?
cuz im getting a little paranoid when the time they attacked me when i sleep. cuz i keep thinking they might have took a few items of mine cuz they just ran off like that.
thx :)

Offline SimDing0™

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2004, 12:44:21 PM »
You don't have to pay back after Celile flees in v1, although the next version will have his associates coming after you demanding payment.

And stealing equipment is an interesting idea. I might just use it. :)


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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2004, 12:54:03 PM »
lolz thats just plain evil. forget i sed anything about that

but yea celile fled but his thugs are still harrassing me after i went along wif that little exploit

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2004, 01:01:29 PM »
Oh. That probably shouldn't happen. I'll deal with it for v2.


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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2004, 12:34:47 AM »
Okay, I recently installed this Quest pack because I *really* wanted to get rid of Aran Linvail and his thieves.  I just finished up the quest, but even after reporting to Brega, Arkanis Gath (the one who kills you instantly even though he has NO place in Chp 6) still jumps out in the docks and kills me instantly.  Crtl Y will not kill him, it only brings him near death.  Why is this happening???  I don't mind having to deal with angry thieves, but instant death from a character whose presence is no longer necessary is totally unacceptable.

What can be done?  If this is something unavoidable, then what Global Variables do I need to just remove Arkanis Gath from the game completely?  Also, on a side note I read that one person saw mages and clerics inside the thieves guild--I never saw this, I only saw the thieves that were in there to begin with.

Thanks in advance.

Offline SimDing0™

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2004, 02:39:20 PM »
It should work correctly if you follow Brega's instructions and meet with her guards at the guild instead of attacking the shadow thieves straight away, which is what it sounds like you're doing. Either way, Arkanis appearing in chapter six shouldn't happen. If the problem persists, try setting the global variable "ArkanisComes" to 1 before you enter the docks.

Offline Murdane

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2004, 03:36:37 PM »
It should work correctly if you follow Brega's instructions and meet with her guards at the guild instead of attacking the shadow thieves straight away, which is what it sounds like you're doing. Either way, Arkanis appearing in chapter six shouldn't happen. If the problem persists, try setting the global variable "ArkanisComes" to 1 before you enter the docks.

I did meet with one guard outside the guild (there was just one), and he said something to the effect of "all right, let's go in" and the quest seemed to follow as normal.  I managed to kill Gath with the "mindflayer trick" I've read about (he can only be killed by draining his INT, as he is wearing Imoen's belt), but nevertheless I thank you for telling me about that variable (I looked for it in Shadowkeeper and couldn't find it). 

Just letting you know that the quest seemed normal for the most part, except for Gath.  I don't know if this is a bug, but it's probably worth double-checking. :)

Offline Murdane

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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2004, 05:42:16 PM »
One more thing I forgot to mention, but I don't know if it was overlooked or not.  I was able to free the dwarven prisoner in the Guild and he left happily, but the other two prisoners (who look like beggars) just keep saying the same lines they did before; you can't tell them they are free to go!

Again, I don't know if that was intentional, but you may want to change it for next time.


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Re: Bug report?
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2005, 05:44:53 PM »
well im not shure if its bug with this mod or  a conflict with  2 mods causing the problem  so im posting this on both im playing kivan mod and everything runs fine unless i have to do quest mis encounters part added  if i do then bodhi dosent show up for the final battle i don't have any saved games without  kivan and i haven't had this part of the do quest mod installed before so im not shure if its a conflict with the mods or  a bug.


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