First, let me tell you is great idea this mod and of course, a very good one, still, I think there's some issues to be worked on it.
1- Somewhere in the readme it says that the falling pallading (can't remember the name) will be back... I've done the cup quest normally, so this Chatillion?, is killed... I wonder how can be back, anyway, I read again the readme and it says something about not changing his state (becoming enemy or something), I've done some quest, back from the underdark and he still isn't back... (ah, I am in the bridge district tho)
2- The money guy, I ask some money, first, when I sleep some guys came to kick me out, then some came to fight me, and I wanted then to pay him back but, I guess is because the girl thing, I can't find anybody to pay, the only thing is the guy in the island saying "how you find me" and becoming red so the inevitable fight (of course I didn't kill him).
3- I have installed Battles, Tactics and some others (all Weidu), the random encounters were nice from those mods, I read that this mod has "some encounters"; when I'm in town, you ran with this "mage-figther-thief-druid" and some more party between districts, now, this guys just stand there, doing nothing. I wonder why's that.
Again, great idea, I hope you can fix some of this issues.