Hi all,
I am a stranger to modding, so please assume I know next to nothing of its concepts!
To cut a long story short I am simply trying to give my main character an innate ability to shapeshift into a Greater Wolfwere. I seem to have applied the ability fine, but I have also altered the Wolfwere's attributes. Amongst others, I have changed the main attributes (strength etc), resistances, THAC0 and HP.
The problem I have is that when I now shapeshift, the game takes into account the new Str, Dex and Const settings, also, all the resistances, but it ignores the changes I have made to HP and THAC0.
The Greater Wolfwere file the game engine uses in shwolf.cre, and I notice that it uses three items, 2 rings and a skull. So I attempted to add THAC0 improvements via these items. But again, the game seems to be ignoring these additional changes.
Is there anyone who might be able to point me in the right direction here? I am running out of ideas!
I am using the following tools:
ShadowKeeper, DLTC Editor Pro v6.2g, Infinity Explorer v0.75 and Cromwell's Smithy v1.0.1, all found via the TeamBG web site.
Thanks in advance.