Well, I managed now to get a good fix for the Spawns, with which the Spawns seemed to be as they were in BG1 original game.
I had to betray the program for this fix, but it work now as I mentioned.
Now I have to play through the game, to verify a few of the Unknowns, I have have changed on a very few places with seldom values (by looking and comparing, what the original progammers have set there in BG2).
If I am ready to play through, I will write in the IESDP-Forum, what I have find out about the Spawnpoints.
And after this, of course, I will rewrite my tp2 (which will contain other fixes too, such as a functionable charm-dialog-fix, a working fix, which will give the mainchar the original biographie, a more userfriendly green-water-fix for players with not much space on their computer (with an included, but untested uninstall function, that *should* work, if the Chitin.key was not changed after installing this fix), a little sound fix for the first spoken lines for some NPCs (such as Shoal), etc...) in a way, that all of the Tutu-players, who don't want either too much nor too less Spawns, can install and use it, if they want to give it a try

But expect this all not too soon, as I have to write a little homepage for this too, with a readme and an option to download these fixes

Have Fun