Author Topic: Monster spawns seeming strange?  (Read 29952 times)

Offline Ghreyfain

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2005, 05:14:49 PM »
v10 through 12 have all just been updates for one bug, namely, the green-water.  No other bugs have been fixed in that time.
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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2005, 12:46:38 AM »
Couldn't the same version (10) be pulled and released again when the bug was finally destroyed instead of releasing three different versions ?  :)

Offline Ghreyfain

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2005, 10:13:27 AM »
Because there might be people with a broken version of v10 floating around, and they'd be reporting the bug while I tell them that v10 works.  When they're then told to download v10, they'd say they have it.  Ah, but do they have v10-c, or v10-e?  The mess that follows is like all the various BP patches, and I don't want that.
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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2005, 03:37:46 PM »
Clear as mountain fresh water!  ;)

Offline Grey Acumen

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2005, 08:38:14 AM »
Ok. I'm sorry. But that issue DOES spread over several threads, but I wont talk about it again. Ok. About the spawning issue... I have a suggestion. What about making the creatures only respawn if you leave the area and come back again, not by just walking out of sight? Maybe that could be implemented in the future?
Weird, I actually suggested this myself a while back...

Actually though, I just played all the way through using TUTUfix 13, and I must say thatI highly approve of the monster spawns as they are now... I only played on normal difficulty, but everything went quite smoothly... I had a teensy bit of difficulty getting to candlekeep, but I also didn't have Montaron and Xzar hanging around, so that's to be expected... The only thing that concerned me was the one Xvart village where all the xvarts continually respawned the moment my back was turned, but I think I actually like it that way...
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Offline Ghreyfain

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #30 on: April 15, 2005, 11:42:15 PM »
It's not a question of us wanting to do it or not, it's a question of spawn points in general being so full of unknowns that we don't know how to get them to behave as we want.
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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2005, 05:33:47 AM »
I actually like the monster spawning bug  :-X

It gives the Sword Coast a feeling of chaos.  Forget random one or two bandits walking about in forests, the Sword Coast needs your help, as hordes bandits with their wolven pets are running around.

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2005, 05:47:18 AM »
Yes, well. Maybe if there's enough demand, we can install an optional "Monster Spawns Remain Broken" component. Default behavior will be the fixed version, however.


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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2005, 08:09:14 AM »
Personally I am longing for SimDing0's fixed version of the respawning!!  ;D

Offline Roana

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2005, 11:18:14 AM »
Well, I managed now to get a good fix for the Spawns, with which the Spawns seemed to be as they were in BG1 original game.

I had to betray the program for this fix, but it work now as I mentioned.

Now I have to play through the game, to verify a few of the Unknowns, I have have changed on a very few places with seldom values (by looking and comparing, what the original progammers have set there in BG2).

If I am ready to play through, I will write in the IESDP-Forum, what I have find out about the Spawnpoints.

And after this, of course, I will rewrite my tp2 (which will contain other fixes too, such as a functionable charm-dialog-fix, a working fix, which will give the mainchar the original biographie, a more userfriendly green-water-fix for players with not much space on their computer (with an included, but untested uninstall function, that *should* work, if the Chitin.key was not changed after installing this fix), a little sound fix for the first spoken lines for some NPCs (such as Shoal), etc...) in a way, that all of the Tutu-players, who don't want either too much nor too less Spawns, can install and use it, if they want to give it a try :)

But expect this all not too soon, as I have to write a little homepage for this too, with a readme and an option to download these fixes :)

Have Fun


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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2005, 12:42:58 PM »
Roana...J*u*s*t G*r*e*a*t!! I am impatiently waiting for your fixes! Congratulations for a very good job well done! If you have a couple of minutes sometimes, you have mail from me!  ;) Thanks!

Offline Arkan

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2005, 10:35:18 PM »
The large groups of spawns were difficult, but it only happened with creatures/enemies you'd expect large groups from: Bandits, gibberlings, xvarts, etc. It added a challenge element to the very early part of the game. Once you get out of Nashkel, though, it's easy experience.

Offline Darvulia

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #37 on: January 16, 2006, 12:56:35 AM »
What's the status on this fix? I'm not experiencing quite as horrible problems as some people in this thread, but I've had some horror moments early on with massive bandit attacks. (Though I have to admit it's kinda amusing when they -all- start chanting "I kicked him in the head until he was dead, hahah!")

Offline Salk

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #38 on: January 16, 2006, 01:29:45 AM »

Roana is unfortunately not modding regularly and doesn't actually come here often. She fixes stuff mostly for her own benefit although it's not impossible to see her comeback here sometimes. It's a shame, since she'd have so much to share and give to the community...

However, spawns are fixed in TuTu 6 Beta although other problems (chapter globals) arise if you decide to got for it. I am waiting for the Merger...  ;D

Offline Darvulia

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #39 on: January 16, 2006, 01:52:41 AM »
Chapter globals? What they?  ??? ;D Sorry, I'm a total idiot/newbie.

As for the Great Merge, spawns are fixed in BGT?


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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2006, 07:22:57 AM »
Nope. Only in v6/v16b of TuTU.

Offline Uranium - 235

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #41 on: February 23, 2006, 02:08:52 AM »
Nothing pissed me off more then walking down a road, stopping, turning around and an entire army of what-have-you's has sprung up behind me, so I turn around the other way and there's ANOTHER armor directly in FRONT of me.

The horrible, horrible BG1 'respawning' seems to have actually gotten WORSE with BGTutu. As in, it was annoying as HELL before, but now it happens SO OFTEN that it's practically unbearable.

I killed a bunch of enemies, moved on a little bit. Because I'm OCD about treasure, I clicked back on a bag of loot I missed and my main character, a mage, runs back and grabs the baggie. I move him back to my party and somehow a legion of orgrillions has popped up and turns me to paste.

I wouldn't even say that the encounters are HARD, per se. I had some trouble in the area just after Candlekeep where Xzar, Montaron, Imoen, and myself had to face down wave after wave of Xvarts, but once I grabbed Ajantis and Kivan, things got a lot easier.

There's just way too many.

Frankly, I'd like to see an option to either utterly neuter this feature, if not remove it completely.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2006, 02:11:36 AM by Uranium - 235 »

Offline Salk

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Re: Monster spawns seeming strange?
« Reply #42 on: February 23, 2006, 07:36:19 AM »
Uranium - 235,

on my suggestion, Ascension64, author of BGT-WeiDU among the others, will be realeasing in his next BGT Tweaks version, a component that will completely eliminate spawns in game. There will be only those that, rightly so, might arise while travelling. You might be interested in that.


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