Still working through Ghrey's "How to ..." guide & I've got a .tp2 which runs without errors. Hooray!!
So I approach my NPC who is where I expect, I am approached as I'd expect, but the dialogue comes from MULTI[GJ].DLG, and when I initiate a conversation using the "TALK" button, the response is also from this file.
I have checked the .cre using NI and I have DPLAYER.BCS as my default script and no override set, DPLAYER.BCS references the MULTI[GJ].DLG.
When I set the OVERRIDE to my version of Ghrey's talknow script, I find that she doesn't need to be "TALK"ed to get the MULTI talk response and she loops in this mode, albeit after she's joined.
My create script
DL#BWN is the .cre file name but not the Death Variable, when I reset the DV := DL#BWN, the game won't load.
The ~pdialog.2da file seems OK.
Any ideas?? Also does ARnnnn.bcs fire when entering the area? Do I have to enter the area to run a test if I change the code to append to the area script, or can I just create a save game at the meeting point.