Hi, I was wondering if any BG2 experts out there can help me. I recently downloaded a ton of mods and addons in hopes of really spicing up the regular BG game/storyline. First I installed BG2 SoA, then went on and installed Bg2 ToB. Then I installed the 26498 ToB Patch and then the Baldurdash fixpack and game text update files. I then installed TDD + patch. I then installed the mod Check the Bodies. Now, after I unpack the ascension files into the BG2 SOA folder as per the instructions and it does create a folder named ascension in my BG2 directory. But then when I run the Ascension EXE file, I get a DoS window that runs by so fast I can't read anything and dissappears. There is no option to select a language, or what parts of the Ascension mod i want. So I believe there might be something I have installed incorrectly or out of order. Has anyone had this happen or have a clue what might be wrong?
Thanks in advance.