Author Topic: Weidu Ascension and classic  (Read 5518 times)


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Weidu Ascension and classic
« on: July 12, 2003, 04:23:50 AM »
Am I correct that Abazigal now casts quite a few  annoying imprisonment and maze spells (which was not so before)?
And in the throne of Bhaal,in the battle against Irenicus-Bodhi,did the fallen planetars  imprison and maze in Gaider's Ascension too or this is a  weidu only implementation?

Lastly I remember that one major change in Ascension was that you were allowed to rest : now  you are not!!??  :unsure:   :unsure:     :(

What other changes should I expect  in Ascension ?Wouldn't it better to list them in the readme? :angry:  :(  

(Two notes:it's a long time since I last played ascension so those feature could have already  been there: in this case sorry for bothering you  :rolleyes:

I am\was disappointed mainly by the no-rest feature being unprepared  :angry: but anyway I do like it as it makes the fight  tenser  :)  


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Weidu Ascension and classic
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2003, 05:06:57 PM »
Listing them in the readme would be a major spoiler hence the reason they were left out I feel.

The ability to rest I feel is somewhat of a dual edged sword.  Die hard RPG'ers could simply not rest and battle their way through to the very end.  However, remember that not all gamers are mega-power sole nutters!

I thought that with the Weidu one, resting is possible between the pools.


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Weidu Ascension and classic
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2003, 03:12:06 AM »
I've noticed other changes: I'm quite positive that  in classic Ascension you could controll the demons and summon hordes of them: now if you use the Bhaal power they are still friendly but you can't summon anymore :(  (btw I don't think that  the summoning tactic  was cheesy as  Melissan regularly charmed half of them  :D  );

but what really irritates  :angry:   :D  me is that the Five 's ai seems to have changed too: they "all "seem to behave like Draconis -Tamah : most of the time they run around   apparently aimlessly then they strike and run away:while this behaviour seems appropriate (if annoying )for Sendai and Illasera ,I don't think it fit well with other strong melee bhaalspawns ...

As for the list: adding to the readme a generic note saying that some scripts have been tweakened   and a spoiler section with details would be nice :)

ot: maybe I've hit a bug (not sure though).If I charm Sarevok with the illithid collar and then try to use one of his abilities the game crashes ...

and...ehm...yes, you are right on the rest thing: you can actually "rest" (that is health and spells are restored by the pools)...



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Weidu Ascension and classic
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2003, 03:46:51 AM »
As one of the contributors to Ascension, I would very much like to know what has been changed with the WeiDU version :(

About the demons; you could control them again and again.... and use the controlled demons' Gates to bring in more (in the Original).   Melissan also had a spell that could take them away from you.  I hope this hasnt been removed in any way.

Resting via the pools was based on difficulty.  Check your difficulty setting on that.   Core you only got one rest in the original.



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Weidu Ascension and classic
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2003, 05:51:02 AM »
I'm wondering if some of the discrepancies being noted are because of the "Improved xxxxx" modlets that come with the Weidu version as optional installations.  


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Weidu Ascension and classic
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2003, 12:52:34 PM »
I've finally beaten Melissan and the Five: I got lucky with my last reload  :)  as she didn't summon (not once!) her minions and neither did she cast a death spell on my summons   :P

Bug report: I confirm that controlling Sarevok and using his abilities causes my game to crash (I have flirtpacks and   components from tactics and battles,that's all).

The controll demons issue: what happens is that  the hand-cursor  (when I select the demon)  turns to a  useless "talk to" icon , so that the "action-bar" is not accessible anymore...



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Weidu Ascension and classic
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2003, 06:25:56 PM »
My only disappointment in the WeiDU-Ascension was Balthazar. I think he was much more challenging in the original Ascension version.

Offline weimer

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Weidu Ascension and classic
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2003, 07:19:27 PM »
Asc/WeiDU should not have gameplay differences vis-a-vis Asc/Classic.

One possibility is that your version of Asc/Classic was not 1.41. Asc/WeiDU is based on classic 1.41. Another possibility is that you have changed the difficulty slider. Asc really looks at that.

As Cuv notes, it's not really my place to change anything non-cosmetic in Ascension. Look at the bottom of the README for a list of changes -- they're pretty much all typos and translation fixes.  


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Weidu Ascension and classic
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2003, 05:01:41 AM »
Well, I can't really recall which version of Ascension Classic I did play : prob not the very last one, so this may  explain the ai  and spellcasting differences I noticed.(And I always play on hardcore).
But if this is the case  then the demons issue (controlled demons can't summon) must be a bug in my game ,right?

Thx :)


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Weidu Ascension and classic
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2004, 09:09:34 AM »
...sorry to resurrect a dead topic, but I recently went through A. again hitting the same bug, that is :can't gate in demons ("talk to" cursor instead of hand cursor when selecting controlled demons).

Now, unless some kind soul :) can come out with a solution I would like to downgrade to classic : is it possible?How should I go through the unistallation-installation process?(I have a couple of  saves between  just before   Balthazar's lair and the final confrontation with the Five ).

Further,will A. Classic be generally compatible with other weidu mods ,I mean the ones already installed (flirtpacks,some components of tactics and battles),and others I am planning to install ?

Thx again!


the bigg

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Weidu Ascension and classic
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2004, 09:30:20 AM »
A classic needs to be installed after patch and Baldurash fix-pack, but before new mods. I've heard that saving/loadin could change the "talk" icon in a "select" one, but I've never bothered trying, as Planetars are more powerful than demons anyway :lol: and using no expendable beasts is more amusing.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2004, 09:31:41 AM by the bigg »


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Weidu Ascension and classic
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2004, 10:39:44 AM »
It worked!!!

  :D  THX!   :D




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