Author Topic: HELP! The Five won't die  (Read 3471 times)


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HELP! The Five won't die
« on: October 30, 2003, 12:01:01 PM »
I have been playing Ascension and I'm down to the finale where Mellisan summons the Five (minus Balthazar, cause he's with me).

I can't really beat them, I think, but recently I've encountered a problem. I used to get my ass kicked, but I was always able to kill at least some of my foes. But now, they just wouldn't die. I had Illasera step on a time trap and started killing her, but after doing about 300 damage, she still wasn't dead (even though she'd been near death for a long time). After a while, she still wouldn't die and because I found this strange (and because I was almost dead anyway) I tried ctrl y on her, nothing. It worked on none of the Five (Gromnir died however).
I also tried reloading and this happened again.

Does anybody know what can be done about this?


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HELP! The Five won't die
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2003, 12:20:29 PM »
Yes, it's in the ReadMe.


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HELP! The Five won't die
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2003, 03:21:50 PM »
Damn I feel stupid!

I've been looking through these and other forums, but found nothing (OK I'm not really a star in searching), while it was right under my nose.



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Re: HELP! The Five won't die
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2005, 12:09:48 PM »
I'm having this problem as well, but it's affecting Balthazar, and his death variable doesn't seem to be listed in the readme.  Tried a few variations of "DeathScriptBalt", but none worked.  I also tried leaving him alone for several rounds, to see if he'd drop like the trolls do, but it didn't work.  Does anyone know what the variable is, or if there's another way to get rid of him?

Offline Deathsangel

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Re: HELP! The Five won't die
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2005, 08:53:36 AM »
Along this line I tried using CLUAConsole: GetGlobal("DeathScriptSend","AR6200") like there stood in the readme and it said... variable does not exist  :o ??? Do I have an old version with an updated readme or something? It kind of surprised me.

I was able to CTRL+Y them, but that is just not what should be done in my eyes. What I found strange is that I had a hard time damaging the five and that Mellisan only killed Minsc once and for the rest hardly did my party damage... Thus making the Five more powerful then she on her own... which also surprises me...

Can anyone give me a pointer of how to handle them, for if I can take on Mellisan easily why do I have such a problem with the five? (I do tend to have trouble with more enemies of less significance then one major one) And does anyone know why that variable (and all deathvariables of the five, as I checked) come up in my CLUAConsole as none-existent?

[edit] To be clear I have, according to the read-me version 1.4.17
« Last Edit: August 04, 2005, 08:58:09 AM by Deathsangel »
Now where did that old interessting mod go? What was it called? O yeah, The Mod for the Wicked. Well, it has been revived!!! Check it out at SHS and at


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