Author Topic: Example Feature Request  (Read 19559 times)

Offline Grim Squeaker

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Example Feature Request
« on: October 15, 2003, 03:09:12 AM »
Hey Wes,

For writing my Tree of Life dialogue for my Harvey NPC then I decided to use an INTERJECT instead of the using normal EXTEND way of doing it (as it seemed like an easier way of doing it) as I was under the impression that an INTERJECT could use any transitions that a CHAIN could.  I was obviously wrong.  I was wondering if you could make it possible to have PC responses at the end of an INTERJECT as it makes Tree of Life coding easier:
e.g. Currently WeiDU doesn't like the section in bold.

//Tree of Life
== PLAYER1 IF ~IsValidForPartyDialog("G#Harvey")~ THEN ~Harvey, the enigmatic sorceror who travels with you; he is still as much a mystery as the day you first met him.  Is he willing to fight and probably die in the coming battle?~
++ ~This isn't your fight, Harvey.  It's mine.  There's no need for you to risk your life...~ EXTERN HARVEYJ 22#RiskLife
++ ~Harvey, you don't have to fight Irenicus if you don't want.  He is very powerful.  Maybe even more powerful than you...~ EXTERN HARVEYJ 22#MorePowerful
++ ~Irenicus is a powerful mage.  I'm going to need a more powerful sorceror to defeat him.  You up for it?~ EXTERN HARVEYJ 22#UpForIt

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 22#RiskLife
SAY ~No <CHARNAME>, I'm staying.  I want to see how tough this bastard really is.  And besides could I risk my life even if I wanted to?~ COPY_TRANS PLAYER1 33

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 22#MorePowerful
SAY ~Oh come on!  I am so much more powerful that this bastard, and I'm going to prove it.  Lead on <CHARNAME>!~ COPY_TRANS PLAYER1 33

SAY ~Hell yeah!  I'm going to teach this bastard a thing or two about spellcasting.  We'll take him down!~ COPY_TRANS PLAYER1 33

Thanks Wes.
"You alone can make my song take flight..."

Offline weimer

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Example Feature Request
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2003, 09:09:12 PM »

Offline Grim Squeaker

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Example Feature Request
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2003, 07:01:46 AM »
You rock.
"You alone can make my song take flight..."

Offline weimer

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Example Feature Request
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2003, 06:44:18 PM »
While I'm going through the messages here, I want to bring this forward was a fairly canonical example of what makes a good feature request.

GS explains what he is trying to do at a high level (Tree, Harvey, whatever), tells me what WeiDU feature he is currently using (INTERJECT), what he thinks it should be doing (transitions like CHAIN), what it currently chokes on (the section in bold) and what he wants the syntax to be (also the section in bold). The more of these things I understand the less time it takes me to code up new features.


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