Author Topic: FIXED: Rift Area: Avatar is broken  (Read 1169 times)


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FIXED: Rift Area: Avatar is broken
« on: April 27, 2003, 05:46:57 AM »
I was doing the Quest of the Unseeing Eye, searching the first part of the Rift Device rod. Apart from the fact that the Yuan-Ti groups were very hard to beat with my lvl 5 party (what's up with those Mutated Gibberlings with +2 slings and +2 bullets?), when I got to the temple of the forgotten God, and I defeated the monster in there (by healing him - still like that  :D ), the avatar of the God did appear, but he had "nothing to say to me...". So I had to give myself the first part of the rod (_MISC5a.ITM) but I don't know wether or not this quest will be completable (still playing it).

Offline weimer

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FIXED: Rift Area: Avatar is broken
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2003, 02:21:18 AM »
For some reason the first state trigger is:


And the InPartySlot thing seems to be psyching out the IWD2 engine. We now translate InPartySlot(Protagonist,*) to True().


Oh, and those gibberlings shouldn't have the +2 yadas anymore.  
« Last Edit: May 23, 2003, 02:21:38 AM by weimer »


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