I believe its just all these uber-l33t ppl who actually know a lil tidbit about the project are not willing to give up what little they know because then they might be a lil less l33t in the super cool BG modding community.... take that for what its worth. Anyways tho, its funny because most other ppl like weimer, who create a project like this for a COMMUNITY likes to hear from ppl in that community, you know, to like still know theres a demand and people appreciate what they are doing. And i and everyone else here appreciates what he is doing, we would grovel and beg at a chance to see what is going on with the mod, given the chance. however, it seems he works away at it, the few ppl who know whats going on keep their mouths completely shut, and community gets pissed, and eventually loses interest. if even just 1 or 2 of these ppl with the inside connections would keep the community informed, everything would be cool.
Like it would take so long to write a simple FAQ on the state of the project? Nobody has 5 minutes to spare on that?
So anyways they dont, so there is less and less ppl complaining about not knowing. That is because, well, everybodys losing interest. so the uber-l33ts should be happy. no more ppl to complain. congrats.
Again, this is NOT a rant against weimer and those who work hard on the project.
just the fact that nobody here who knows anything wants Anyone else to know wtf is going on with his project.
the end.