Author Topic: Old Turnabout FAQ  (Read 14625 times)

Offline Kish

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Old Turnabout FAQ
« on: April 01, 2004, 08:43:13 PM »
(This FAQ was written by Jason.)

In Ascension, Melissan demonstrates using the power of Bhaal to resurrect various dead foes to fight against you once more. The Ascension endgame is a battle over those powers. So what, we thought, if the PC could turn the tables, and bring his own fallen allies to bear against her?

The exact mechanism has yet to be determined but will likely involve the opportunity to attempt to ally with a fallen friend after each "pool" fight. They will have minds of their own, however, and cannot be forced to fight. Some will fight willingly, some will demand the promise of resurrection, and others will simply refuse. Some of this will depend on the type of character you've played. Don't expect Ajantis to join a slobbering avatar of evil.

In general, the summon-able members will be those who were your party-mates in BG1, but there will be occasional exceptions.

Here's some actual Q&A:

Q: When will you be done?

A: Not sure, really. Depends on how fast we work.

Q: Won't this unbalance Ascension?

A: Probably not. Although we will give your allies weapons and abilities reasonably comparable to something approximating a TOB start character (why? because it's magic, that's why), they're not going to be Five/Melissan-level powerful. Turnabout is primarily a roleplaying exercise.

Q: Did you say that it was going to be the dead BG1 joinable NPCs available?

A: Yes, although not necessarily all of them. We'll work Yoshimo into the mix as well, along with quite likely the two mortal parental figures from your past, Gorion and Alianna.

Q: Will it be compatible with Redemption?

A: That's decidedly a maybe. Depends what the Redemption code is like and whether we'll be able to slot what we want to do around it.

Q: Can we have Tazok, Saemon, Rielev, Firkraag, Lt. Aegisfield, Gorch or the Umar Hills chickens available for summoning?

A: NO.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 09:13:49 AM by jcompton »
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Re: Turnabout FAQ
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2004, 09:04:17 AM »
It is a very nice FAQ and idea is wonderful. If you need my help in making things compatible with Redemption you only have to ask. But I will understand if you decide to drop the idea - scripting it into Ascencion seamlessly is hard enough - working around my rather clumsy old code might be even more so.

Besides - I am hoping Rd/LR will  be out by the end of summer and replace Redemption - as it will have a version compatible with Ascension.

But it is absolutely up to the authors to decide will they want to work with other mod or not.


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Re: Turnabout FAQ
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2004, 09:25:09 AM »
I think I'm scheduled to code this when it's written, and Redemption compatibility would probably not be high priority. I'd probably install Redemption after Turnabout is completed, see what works, and tweak if necessary... I'm not really prepared to do any major recoding if things are totally screwed, though.

Offline Entreri

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Re: Turnabout FAQ
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2004, 07:36:23 PM »
I know I started the ball rolling on this then disappeared, but after my exam (June), I will be returning to modding properly. If I'm still welcome, I would like to still be able to contribute to the project.


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Re: Turnabout FAQ
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2004, 04:04:47 PM »
Can we have Saemonavailable for summoning?

A: NO.

Why not?  Come on, it will be the greatest thing ever - you can dice him, and you can slice him, but the game won't acknowledge it in any way... finally getting him to work for you (Upon my word, win this battle for me, and you'll stand alive and free), would be SO neat.

Offline Tameon the Dragoon

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Re: Turnabout FAQ
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2004, 12:30:35 AM »
Becouse he never actually dies at any point in the game (story wise). ;) You have to be dead before you can be revived.

Offline Kish

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Re: Turnabout FAQ
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2004, 12:39:57 AM »
you can dice [Saemon], and you can slice him, but the game won't acknowledge it in any way...
There is a mod here which is good for continuity issues like that one.

Edit by Ghreyfain: Fixed link. ;) Bwahaha.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2004, 01:02:16 PM by Ghreyfain »
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Re: Turnabout FAQ
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2004, 09:36:42 PM »
I thought there was a tob dialogue option that made him go hostile
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Offline Ghreyfain

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Re: Turnabout FAQ
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2004, 01:04:29 PM »
I thought there was a tob dialogue option that made him go hostile

You can also kill him in SoA, an event which is modified by Kish's Oversight mod.  Now, when he's dead, he stays dead.

But anyways, yeah, Saemon can't be revived because he's not a close companion of the PC or whatever.
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Re: Turnabout FAQ
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2004, 07:17:07 AM »
why would anyone even ask if tazok was an option?
 or was that just a list of "duh, hello"s to make a point?  ::)
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