Author Topic: IRON MODDER 1 RESULTS  (Read 3244 times)

Offline icelus

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« on: April 17, 2004, 10:26:56 AM »
(This is a repost of the original thread by JCompton on the old FWP boards.  Ah, nostalgia...)

We’ve seen a lot of action at the inaugural Iron Modder competition, but the Insane Overlord is now ready to make his presentation!

All of the entries were impressive. That you gave of your time to participate in my insane vision pleases me to no end, and songs shall be sung to you in Infinity Stadium long after we are dead.

I turn to my judges to critique each mod.

Scoring judges were jcompton, Sim, Slayne, and Kiki.
Additional comments from Skie and Weimer-fied Solaufein provided by Kiki.


Cuv presented the judges with a blend of secret spices and the sweet tang of fresh ale, and was the only participant to present a new area graphic, along with some curious technical innovations such as an unselectable CRE and area graphics that change with scripting actions.

The judges were asked to solve a puzzle to obtain the Last Mug of Ale so that they and the thirsty masters of the competition might drink. Failure meant death for them all! And even in success, blood was spilled!

A number of elements were taken from internal development stock although the judges were not of one mind how that re-use should be treated.
Still, the high-level Return to Windspear heritage did not go unnoticed!

Kiki: What were the sailor's stats based on, the Five? I finally Ctrl-Y'd him just to get on with it, so I was surprised I got a 9.5 for Honor.

Skie: That drunken sailor sure smelled bad. And he really should have taken better care of his skin.

Solaufein: Ah, another example of the negative effects of alcohol. There was no reasoning with that sailor, no possibility of bargaining with him for the last mug, no opportunity to explain that we might be able to produce more ale, had he only been willing to lend the mug for a moment. His ability to function as a rational being--the one great gift that we all possess as our birthright--was destroyed by his lack of will and ability to resist the allure of ale. And the concept of being judged upon one's ability to fight a madman who would stop at nothing when threatened with the loss of his ale--well, that hardly seems appropriate.


Ghreyfain presented the judges with a swig of some strong dwarven ale--the last mug of ale in Amn! Taking on Dwarfbar’s quest to protect the draught became harrowing indeed when virtually every innkeeper in the Amn and Sword Coast region appeared and demanded that the ale be turned over to them! The carnage is awesome... the beverage sublime! Ghreyfain submitted the only mod with original voice acting (for two characters.) Yet in the end... nothing but bitter dregs remain.

Kiki: THAT DIRTY STINKIN' DWARFBAR! Ghreyfain's next mod should be to hunt him down and wring his devious little neck.

Solaufein: I was grieved to lose my companion Jaheira in the battle to save the Last Mug of Ale, especially as our efforts benefited only a single individual, rather than all of society, as we had expected. Imoen had wanted to take just a tiny taste of the ale, but that stuffed-suit-of-armor Keldorn would not permit it. A pity.

Skie: You know, I really don't get all this fuss over some ale. Now, if it were the last glass of firewine, that would be much more understandable.


The immortal bard herself presented judges not with the joyous crash of tankards but with a somber tale. Indigo, a wayward thief, spins a tale of despair and loss. The focal point of the misery is The Last Mug Of Ale, a halfway house for wayward surfacers in the Underdark that few enter and even fewer depart.

The tale is the tale of human suffering writ large against the canvas of Baldur’s Gate 2. Two judges explicitly noted that Blue’s contribution to the menu would have fit very nicely as a legitimate component of the game itself.

Kiki: The dialogue was well-written, and consistently conveyed a dark mood that much of the game lacks, considering how serious it is. Having a tavern called The Last Mug was a clever take on the theme, and having Indigo stand at the entrance to the Underdark, telling the PC about the tragic ends of various surfacers, contributed nicely to the feel of the Underdark.

Solaufein: Truly, Indigo's tale captured the spirit and mood of the Underdark. It does not surprise me that despite the efforts of the founder of The Last Mug to have the tavern serve as a sanctuary for other surfacers lost in the Underdark, melancholy was the pervasive sense. Most surfacers are indeed lost souls, as soon as they enter the dangerous world of the drow.

Skie: Oooh, it was so sad to hear all those stories. But it was so nice of Indigo to open that tavern. What she really needs is a good man to cheer her up.


Kismet provided the judges with a menu that speaks a universal truth: what you read on the label may not be what you receive in your glass. One mug of ale, one child of Bhaal, and three quibbling companions all vying to quench their thirst! In the end, cool heads give way to hot tempers, and the party’s most celebrated ale guzzler wins the mug and the honor of polishing it off... but has he truly won?

The Ale Hog could still play a pivotal role in Baldur’s Gate 3. And one judge went out of his way to compliment Kismet on her attention to detail, being the only modder to include the latest version of WeiDU as her Setup.

Kiki: A funny set of dialogues that did a great job of staying true to the characters. I could easily see this as part of
the game.

Solaufein: It was difficult not to laugh at my worthy comrade's expression when he tossed back the ale. Korgan should have been suspicious at the women's sudden capitulation. But as with most greedy natures, he allowed his cupidity to overwhelm his other instincts.

Skie: Served that nasty little dwarf right!

All of the judges have been heard from! Who will it be? What Iron Modder shall reign supreme?


He’s done it! The pirate, with a combination of innovative voice acting, Gorch references, and Strong Bad quotations has captured the hearts of the judges! This is a day that will go down in Infinity Stadium history!

FINAL SCORES out of 25 possible (average):

Ghrey: 20.25
Blue: 19
Cuv: 18
Kismet: 17.25
« Last Edit: April 17, 2004, 10:29:43 AM by Icelus »
<Moongaze> Luckily BWL has a very understanding and friendly admin.

Offline icelus

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Re: Iron Modder 1 Results
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2004, 10:27:45 AM »
Average scores by category

EXposition of the Theme (1-10)
Originality (1-5)
Innovation (1-5)
ENtertainment (1-5)

EX: 7
O: 3.5
I: 4
EN: 3.5
# of first-place votes: 0

EX: 8.25
O: 4.25
I: 3.5
EN: 4.25
# of first-place votes: 2

EX: 7.75
O: 4.75
I: 2.5
EN: 4
# of first-place votes: 1

EX: 7.75
O: 3.75
I: 2.25
EN: 3.5
# of first-place votes: 1

(please take further discussion to the commentary thread.)
<Moongaze> Luckily BWL has a very understanding and friendly admin.

Offline icelus

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Re: Iron Modder 1 Results
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2004, 10:29:01 AM »
Download the mods here.
<Moongaze> Luckily BWL has a very understanding and friendly admin.