I refused to go into the battle with Balthazar's help as i wanted to do it on my own, so he is on Melisan's side then. I kill all other spawns of Bhaal but this one is unkillable, even ctrl+y doesn't work.
I've read about this in readme file:
Q: Sometimes the Five refuse to die in the final battle. They stay at
Near-Death, even if you use Ctrl-Y.
A: Dyara's reply:
Hmmm, you´re the first one who encountered this with the fix installed.
The next time try to play with debug mode on. If it happens again you can
check the "death variable":
If the value is '1' you can set it back to '0' with
After this she should die immediatly.
If "DeathScriptSend" was '0' then it´s another problem that's independent
from my fix.
The variables for the other Five are
But there is no variable for Balthazar:( I tried it with "balt", "balth", "bal", "baltazar", "balthazar" but it always said that this global does not exist.
Anyone knows what is his variable or how it is possible to kill him? He is VERY annoying! Though I even almost killed Melisan but because o\f this monk i run out of spells and protections.