Posted by: Riklaunim
« on: March 08, 2003, 04:43:08 PM »
I’ve make a new game:
-jump to Copper Coronet
-talk to nalia (go to your keep)
-go to De’Arnise keep
-talk to nalia (sit in the palisade)
-in to the keep by a secrete entrance
-talk with daleson
-talk with her mother and the guard with her
-talk and kill the boss troll
-go out, kill otyug
-lower the bridge
-go to nalia and speak:
- I’m sorry, (I didn’t save him)….
- You can ask no matter the cause
- Yes it is very sad…
- I don’t like them too…..
-speak up. What do you propose…..
-I like this idea
- Protecting this place in those uncertain times would be an honor….
Then I am teleported to the keep. There is Majordamus and Nalia mother. Does Nalia should be there? (she is not) when I click “continue” on the dialog with majordamus the game crash.