Posted by: Bill Bisco
« on: September 13, 2015, 01:25:44 AM »
I can't think of a better place than to post this here:
1. In the Branwen mod the lovetalks start out with:
IF ~Global("O#BranTalk","GLOBAL",2)~ t1
SAY ~Let's stop and talk for a moment. By Tempus, I haven't seen you in ages!~
++ ~What for? You already know about Irenicus and Imoen.~ + t1.1
++ ~If it's about some rumors about me being a Child of Bhaal again, I will break someone's shield over their head. Just saying.~ + t1.2
++ ~Sure, let's talk. How have you been?~ + t1.3
++ ~Now is not the best time, Branwen.~ + t.0
IF ~~ t.0
SAY ~Until next time, then.~
IF ~~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("O#BranTalk","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("O#BranTimer","GLOBAL",3600)~ EXIT
Now, where did you set O#BranTalk at 2 ? This talk will not fire until that happens obviously and since each lovetalk is requisite on having increasing numbers, it seems that none of them will fire either.
2. Codewise, what prevents t.0 from always firing? It has no requirements listed there for the dialogue to fire.
3. Here at the end of t2.6 you have an Increment Global regularly and an Increment Global if the Branwen Romance is Active at "1".
IF ~~ t2.6
SAY ~To <CHARNAME>! The best friend I could ever have.~
IF ~~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("O#BranTalk","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("O#BranTimer","GLOBAL",3600)~ EXIT
IF ~Global("O#BranRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)~ DO ~IncrementGlobal("O#BranTalk","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("O#BranTimer","GLOBAL",3600)~ + t2.7
// Note how I placed a condition for O#BranRomanceActive below a "normal" exit.
// That's how it works if you want to add some "conditional" text to SAY dialogue.
IF ~~ t2.7
SAY ~And the most handsome man.~
Does this talk in fact increment the Lovetalk by 2 if Branwen Romance Global is at "1"?
4. Where does the BranRomanceActive Global get set? Where do the romance requirements (Gender, Race, etc.) get set?
Thank you,