Posted by: Echon
« on: December 07, 2023, 10:10:54 AM »Thanks. 

It has been some years since the last update. How is it going with your mod Echon?
Defensive Harmony
Level: 4
Sphere: Law
Range: 0
Duration: 5 rounds
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature/2 levels
Saving Throw: None
This spell must be cast on at least two creatures. Defensive Harmony grants affected creatures a defensive bonus by bestowing an enhanced coordination of their attacks and defenses. While the spell is in effect, each affected creature gains a +1 bonus to armor class for every other creature benefitting from the spell, to a maximum of +5 (although more than five characters may be affected by the spell). Thus, if four creatures are affected by Defensive Harmony, each creature gains a +3 bonus to armor class. No more than 10 creatures may be affected by this spell.
Strength of One
Level: 3
Sphere: Law
Range: 0
Duration: 6 rounds
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature + 1 creature/2 levels
Saving Throw: None
By casting this spell, the priest imbues each creature with a strength bonus equal to that of the strongest creature in the group. Prior to casting, one creature is designated the keystone. Upon completion of the spell, all affected individuals gain a bonus to damage equal to the keystone's bonus to damage from strength. Any magical bonuses belonging to the keystone are not added; only the keystone's natural strength is conferred on the group. No more than 10 creatures may be affected by this spell.
I am sorry for you, but the BGT-weidu, and BGT do contain the whole of BG2, including the vampires in the example. ..
Not that I blame you for not thinking into that deep in this.
That would be great if it were so, independent from each others... but there's something that mixes the Wizards specializations and Divine Sphere's in PnP and I ... example: Necromancy is both, well ... a Divine Sphere and Wizard Specialization, but the Wizard specialist can't heal people with it, so one can see that they are not the exact same thing. Well, actually it's "Necromantic Sphere" for priests... but that could get lost in the traffic/translation so to speak ... I already lost it once, and you did too, but differently, or perhaps your words didn't just tell the whole of it. See the above...He-heh-eh-he.
As for your druid-only and level drain concern, this might apply to BG2, but FotD is not compatible with that game. It only works on BG:EE, Tutu and BGT, and there are no creatures or spells here that can drain levels.I am sorry for you, but the BGT-weidu, and BGT do contain the whole of BG2, including the vampires in the example. ..
Spheres are the divine equivalent of the arcane schools of magic, which define the spells that are available to the specialist wizards.That would be great if it were so, independent from each others... but there's something that mixes the Wizards specializations and Divine Sphere's in PnP and I ... example: Necromancy is both, well ... a Divine Sphere and Wizard Specialization, but the Wizard specialist can't heal people with it, so one can see that they are not the exact same thing. Well, actually it's "Necromantic Sphere" for priests... but that could get lost in the traffic/translation so to speak ... I already lost it once, and you did too, but differently, or perhaps your words didn't just tell the whole of it. See the above...
Did you think it might be a good idea to strip 8 spells from Clerics and then give one back, or 17 from druids and give only 3 ? EDIT: Yeah, you are not actually removing most of those spells from them as they didn't actually have them in the first place. Where's the real list ?
They already have a very strict selection in the first place and this can make it worse. Now were they to be compensated on an equal grounds, it would be understandable, like for example kit restricted spells, or some other way. But ... the concern is playability. Play the BG2 normal campaign with a druid as your only healer and you run into very much trouble even in the primary guests as you have no way to protect against the vampires ! Unless you intent to go completely without ever being hit, by the level drain effect.
The reason why the above mentioned spells do not have a sphere is that they could be what's called universal sphere.
The Repulse undead has nothing to do with Necromancy but everything to do with being a priest.
The concept of a sphere system is the worst thing ever... in a story driven computer game, yes it works on a PnP as you can throw things aside and remake the rules as you see fit, but not in this game.
And a sphere system is already in the Divine Remix mod. So you could just encourage people to use that instead.
Also the removal and adding spells has bad side effects for compatibility. And depending how exactly you do it, with kit mods or spell mods and no one can say which is the default, as it's all over the place todays.
Death Ward (Protection)Did you think it might be a good idea to strip 8 spells from Clerics and then give one back, or 17 from druids and give only 3 ? EDIT: Yeah, you are not actually removing most of those spells from them as they didn't actually have them in the first place. Where's the real list ?
Holy Power (Combat)
Farsight (Divination)
Repulse Undead (Necromantic)