Posted by: Cremo from work
« on: May 28, 2011, 03:36:09 AM »Thanks DevSin! I've actually found a way to solve my issue! 

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Damage type
0 = None
1 = Piercing/Magic
2 = Blunt
3 = Slashing
4 = Ranged
5 = Fists
6 = Piercing/Blunt (more) (BG2)
7 = Piercing/Slashing (more) (BG2)
8 = Blunt/Slashing (less) (BG2)
against a plate armor (that gives increased protection against slashing but not against bludgeoning) weapon A would be treated like a slashing weapon in relation to its chance to hit (only dealing blunt DMG if the sweapon hits as a slashing weapon with malus) while the game engine would consider weaponB as a bludgeoning weapon (due to that type of damage being the most favorable against plate armor) meaning that weapon B would have more chances to hit than weapon A.Correct, although I believe the double damage types look only at resistance and not AC (they just pick the one least likely to be resisted, except the bugged one that chooses the type most likely to be resisted, and then proceed to the normal attack roll).
So let's say, for example, that weapon A deals 1d6s+1d6b DMG while weapon B deals 1d12 s/b
against a plate armor (that gives increased protection against slashing but not against bludgeoning) weapon A would be treated like a slashing weapon in relation to its chance to hit (only dealing blunt DMG if the sweapon hits as a slashing weapon with malus) while the game engine would consider weaponB as a bludgeoning weapon (due to that type of damage being the most favorable against plate armor) meaning that weapon B would have more chances to hit than weapon A.