Posted by: ddv
« on: November 11, 2009, 03:41:12 PM »So how's it going with getting an internet connection, any chance we'll see an update soon?
Baldur's Gate Unfinished Business sees the light of day! More info available on the BG1UB site.
OK, yes, SimDing0 made a crappy mod. And don't get me started on the shittiness of mod TP2 coding, I'll rip into Kelsey like a scaling knife into acarp. s'okay, I'm exploring the issue. Like I said, if it's a problem, I'll use a different prefix. Frankly, though, I don't trust you to know WTF you're doing, sorry.
Well, it seems WxJon works, so I suppose W^Jon was confusing it. I will not use it. simple, see?Yeah, well, simple we'll call it