Posted by: FredSRichardson
« on: August 24, 2007, 06:36:11 PM »I'll cross post some of the IESDP conflicts over at the IESDP forum. I know they just updated the docs, so perhaps they'd like a chance to straighten some of these things out.
DevSin's changes:
Lots of spelling corrections, lots of text changes which I'm inclined
to keep as they are.
Lots of interface enhancements for viewing different structures.
Lots of fixes in general. In particular, CHR looks to be better
BG1Tutu support.
I have to admit that a lot of changes are reformatting (breaking lists
in different places across lines) and I just don't have the patience
to go through each one of these and keep the original when they're
semantically equivalent.
Here are some changes where I went to IESDP and saw an inconsistency.
I'm sure I haven't caught them all (it's very tiring):
IESDP has:
0x0026 2 (bytes) Height of this sound.
DevSin takes this out
IESDP has:
0x002c 4 (dword) Spawned flag (0=no, 1=yes). Used in memory.
0x0034 4 (dword) Actor orientation. 0-15, starting south and incrementing clockwise.
DevSin has each of these as a 2 byte field.
0x0034 4 (dword) bit 7: (0) Visible in dark / (1) Invisible in dark
DevSin has unknown for bit 7
Not sure, some diffs I can't make sense of
0x0050 4 (dword) Probably used only in PS: T -
I suspect it has the meaning
as described in SongFlag.IDS
in this
game. Check AR1363 and AR1700 (PST)
Reverb from REVERB.IDS (if REVERB.IDS exists)
0x007a 2 (word) Spawn method. (1=Rest,2=Revealed)
Has hex value.
Changes I don't understand, but I'm inclined to accept as correct.
"Is missile?" is changed to "Is bullet?" but this flag is set for
Darts, so isn't "Is missle?" correct?
Significant changes, I don't have the patience to go through all
of them.
0x0018 2 (word) Misc. flags
bit 0: Unknown
bit 1: Tranlucent
bit 2: Unknown
bit 3: Transparent
bit 4: Mirror Y axis
bit 5: Mirror X axis
bit 6: Unknown
bit 7: Unknown
bit 8: Unknown
bit 9: Blend
bit 10: Unknown
bit 11: Unknown
bit 12: Unknown
bit 13: Unknown
bit 14: Unknown
bit 15: Unknown
bit 1: Transparent
bit 3: Translucent
0x001a 2 (word) Tint:
bit 0: Unknown
bit 1: Unknown
bit 2: Unknown
bit 3: Greyscale
bit 4: Unknown
bit 5: Glowing
bit 6: Unknown
bit 7: Unknown
bit 8: Unknown
bit 9: Red
bit 10: Unknown
bit 11: Unknown
bit 12: Unknown
bit 13: Unknown
bit 14: Unknown
bit 15: Unknown
Color adjustment
bit 1: Blend
bit 3: Greyscale
bit 5: Brighten
bit 9: Desaturate
0x0020 4 (dword)
bit 0: Looping
bit 1: Sequence 2
bit 2: Sequence 4
bit 6: Wallgroups do not cover
bit 8: Use BAM
# 00= Play only the first sound (0x0078 , no
graphic or second sound (0x0080))
# 01= Play both sounds (repeat the second for the
duration of the effect) but without graphic
# 02= Play both sounds, one after the other, for
the duration of the effect (without graphic)
# 03= same as 01
# 04= same as 02
# 05= same as 01
# 06= same as 02
# 07= same as 01
# 08= Play the BAM sequence only once with both
sounds, ignore Y and Z positions and repeat
this for the duration of the effect.
# 09= Play the BAM sequence with both sound, the
first only once and the other for the
duration of the effect, ignore Y and Z
# 0A=same as 08
# 0B=same as 09
# 0C= Play the BAM sequence only once with both
sounds, use Y and Z positions and repeat
this for the duration of the effect.
# 0D= Play the BAM sequence with both sound, the
first only once and the other for the
duration of the effect, use Y and Z
bit 0: Looping
bit 3: Draw animation
bit 6: Not covered by wall
(skipping a bunch)
0x0006 1 (byte) The upper 7 bits of this byte
are a bitmap indicating which
of the overlays are to be
drawn. The 0th overlay (the
base layer) is always drawn.
0x0000 8 (resref) Name of this area (as referenced by
area links?)
0x0008 8 (resref) AREA resref for this area
These two look like they're swapped.
I guess the biggest difference is that my files have Windows EOL format (CRLF) while DevSin's are in Mac EOL format (CR). The other option out there is to use *nix EOL format (LF). I'm not big fan of Windows, but I'd settle on CRLF format so long as we can all deal with it.Say what? They better be CRLF or LF. I put my hand on the bible that I haven't saved anything with CR line endings in the last five years, and if there are CR line breaks in that code, they didn't come from me.
Let's start with the small stuff (e.g. getting people to recognize when to use "your" and when to use "you're") before moving on to more complicated things.