Posted by: Fyorl
« on: May 23, 2006, 06:59:12 AM »ah right, I didn't even know that but then again I never had the inclination to find out...
The default FAT file system on Linux is case-sensitive, BTWWhoah, really? It seems like this would break if you mounted a Linux FAT partition on Windows.
from within the emulatorWine = Wine Is Not (an) Emulator. It allows you to run Windows executables pretty much like you run Linux executables (= from an interpreter, not from a virtual machine), and implements good portions of the Windows API (allowing you to load both dlls or drivers from the ones in your Windows installation when they are missing).
Yes, I only wish we could assume WeiDU users all had Cygwin/Bash installed.Darwinism shall prevail in the end.
I've never tried Wine before, but I understand it's an emulater (sort of like VMWare) so it has to emulate the same Windows file-system symantics. If you want to run Bash within the Wine emulator, do you have to install Cygwin?IIRC, it allows Windows executables to be run at the same level of ELF files, and implements the Winows DLLs (or even allows you to use M$-ones instead), rather than emulating a full OS. There are also case-insensitive Ext2/3 and FAT/NTFS drivers for Linux, if you look around (although it should be able to avoid the problem).
gemRB can be compiled under Windows as well. It's really great but it's not up to the actual Infinity Engine standard
Yes, I only wish we could assume WeiDU users all had Cygwin/Bash installed.I know this is a silly question, but is the Linux support for GemRB? Utility scripts like this really make me wish that Windows had a Bash shell (I never got the hange of bat file scripting -- yick! ).BG2 runs fine (and case-insensitive) under Wine
For bash-under-Winows :
I know this is a silly question, but is the Linux support for GemRB? Utility scripts like this really make me wish that Windows had a Bash shell (I never got the hange of bat file scripting -- yick! ).
I know this is a silly question, but is the Linux support for GemRB? Utility scripts like this really make me wish that Windows had a Bash shell (I never got the hange of bat file scripting -- yick! ).BG2 runs fine (and case-insensitive) under Wine
# drake127 (2006-03-15)
# Rename all files in current directory and all its subdirectories to lower-case.
# If lower-case filename already exists, more recent one is preserved.
# Support for filepaths with spaces added by Fyorl (2006-05-22)
for file in `find -depth | sed -e 's/\ /\\\ /g'`
replace=`dirname $file`/`basename $file | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`
if test $file != $replace -a $file != .
mv -u $file `dirname $file`/`basename $file | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`
rm -f $file
# by Fyorl
# makes all files in the current directory (recursive) lowercase
$dir = `dirname $argv[0]`;
$dir = trim($dir);
function to_lower($dir)
$handle = opendir($dir);
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
$fp = $dir . '/' . $file;
if($file == '.' || $file == '..')
$fpl = strtolower($fp);
if($fp != $fpl)
exec("mv -u '$fp' '$fpl'; rm -f '$fp'");