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Posted by: SimDing0™
« on: April 11, 2006, 04:22:05 PM »

It does not help
Regardless, we're going to have a go. He's stopped posting for now. Everybody else do the same, please.
Posted by: AnnabelleRose
« on: April 11, 2006, 03:52:45 PM »

How the hell did I manage to miss this thread?

(Here I would be supposed to make fun of the idiot, but releasing Mprolla the Spammer is enough fun for me.)

Killing him makes me happy. :)

May I just say that I joined in this community loving the fact that it was not like the Derek Smart days on the comp.sys newsgroups. New post reads jammed with garbage taking people away from more ineresting matters.

Thought a few years and a new community would have avoided these types of folks.

I was wrong.

I know that we are an open community, but is there any way to shut off the troll-feeding spigots at the admin level?

I know, I know... don't read, don't respond. (*sigh*)

It does not help, he can discuss/promote/argue/troll all by himseld, and sometimes it only gets worse when no one responds.
Posted by: cmorgan
« on: April 11, 2006, 03:42:22 PM »

May I just say that I joined in this community loving the fact that it was not like the Derek Smart days on the comp.sys newsgroups. New post reads jammed with garbage taking people away from more ineresting matters.

Thought a few years and a new community would have avoided these types of folks.

I was wrong.

I know that we are an open community, but is there any way to shut off the troll-feeding spigots at the admin level?

I know, I know... don't read, don't respond. (*sigh*)
Posted by: AnnabelleRose
« on: April 11, 2006, 03:36:02 PM »

Quote from: MajorTomSawyer
Want a laugh? Try typing Superscripts at SHS sometime.

Ahhh, old remnants of Neil. Removed.

Mike, we miss you at SHS (old FW). All we have now is the usual community vs. community rabble, and we all know that's not nearly as much fun as the good ol' times when you stopped by. :)

SConrad should be  :-ban from SHS for this comment.  :P
Posted by: the bigg
« on: April 11, 2006, 03:35:00 PM »

How the hell did I manage to miss this thread?

(Here I would be supposed to make fun of the idiot, but releasing Mprolla the Spammer is enough fun for me.)
Posted by: SConrad
« on: April 11, 2006, 03:28:12 PM »

Quote from: MajorTomSawyer
Want a laugh? Try typing Superscripts at SHS sometime.

Ahhh, old remnants of Neil. Removed.

Mike, we miss you at SHS (old FW). All we have now is the usual community vs. community rabble, and we all know that's not nearly as much fun as the good ol' times when you stopped by. :)
Posted by: Stanley
« on: April 10, 2006, 06:46:44 AM »

Now that is a good idea.  I think I will do that.  I was hoping someone else would join me and play the game with the superscripts.  Then we could have more than one informed opinion on the matter.  But apparently the party line won't let them.  I shall now bugger off and go and play the game.  I shall post my evaluation of the superscripts when I am fully satisfied that I know how they perform.  And I will post an unbiased opinion after that.  And I hope that no one will post any more bull here saying that the superscripts are no good without actually having used them to play the game with.  That should irritate everyone.  Such posts about anyone's mods or scripts are inexcusable.  I say this again anyone posting anything negative about something they haven't actually tried isn't to be taken seriously.  And I think everyone should jump all over such people when they do such things. 


Posted by: Jan
« on: April 10, 2006, 06:38:37 AM »

So just play it and stop advertizing it.
Posted by: Stanley
« on: April 10, 2006, 06:30:50 AM »

Let's talk about the superscripts and not just bitch and moan OK?  This is the hotkey list from the superscripts.  You are supposed to print it out and keep it while you play so you can remember what each hotkey does.  I find it reasonable and all of them very useful so far in my testing.

List of hotkey’s to print out.  Keep this by you as you play.  This is for the superscripts for BG 2 not 1 but 2!!!!!

L this has your thief lay traps right where he is in order for you to lure the enemy onto them. Also useful for those enemies that appear at the same place every time like many liches.  Hint!

H this buff up uses potions and scrolls of protection to buff up. 

S summons this casts a chain of summons

B buff up this casts a chain of long duration defensive and buffing up spells

V Medium buff up this casts a chain of defensive and buffing up spells of Medium duration.

K Short buff up this casts a chain of defensive and buffing up spells of short duration

Y this hotkey buffs you up with magic resistance potions and minor globe of invulnerability. And the various spells to turn or bounce incoming spells   

N this hotkey will use various invisibility spells and items or hide in order for you to 1 prepare for combat or 2 scout ahead.  Note that if you intend on scouting or getting behind the enemy for a backstab you will have to turn off the AI lantern as this script will attack when you see the enemy if you do not.  You can then turn it on when in backstab position and let the fun begin. 

Z info on area this casts clairvoyance, wizard eye, detect evil to gain info

D intelligence boost use this for your wizard or bard to use intelligence boosting potions so they can learn more spells and have a better chance of learning them to begin with.   

E wisdom boost Use this just before resting to use potions of intuition to boost your clerics wisdom

X thief boost this casts a chain of spells and potions to boost thieving skills it also causes your thief to REMOVE TRAPS and OPEN LOCKS and all characters to LOOT no other script does this. 

F friends on yourself use to bargain better and get better prices at stores

U Unsummons your summons and destoys them use this when leaving one area for another since they cannot follow you into a new area. 

Autocast goodberrys, armor and create bruiser mates, stoneskin, ironskin, bard flute, alchemy, scribe scrolls, chain contingency, contingency, spell trigger, spell sequencer, minor spell sequencer, enchanted weapon, remove curse if needed. 

Never use S Just before entering a new area summons will not follow you.

Use the buffing up hotkey’s in this order if you intend to use them all.  L, H, S, B, V, K, Y and N.

If you want to skip one of the buff up keys like H do so but keep them in that order whenever possible.  That will fully buff you up and make you ready for the big bad. 

Always have some summons with you and use B and V a lot.  It will keep you alive. 

Do not hit the next buff up key without letting the previous one finish because if you do that will make the shorter duration spells run out before you get to the battle BE PATIENT.  The reason Y and N are their own buff ups is the spells in them will prevent your spell caster from fully buffing up the party as they will block or make your fellow party members untargetable.  The reason H has its own is that many items are not that common in the game and you have to equip those scrolls and items to use them in this script and that is time consuming though worth it for the big battles or for your non spell casters.  Scrolls of protection and potions do last a very long time so using them is well worth it. 

Remember the script SSBG2 is the main source script for all the scripts use the smaller version appropriate for your class(s). 

SSMS2 is for single class mage's or sorcerers it includes all specialist mage’s
SSF2 is for single class fighters and barbarians it includes all fighter kits
SSC2 is for single class clerics it includes all cleric kits. 
SST2 is for single class thieves it includes all thief kits.
SSB2 is for all bards it includes all bard kits.
SSP2 is for all paladins it includes all paladin kits.
SSFM2 is for all fighter/mage’s dual and multi class and includes all kits and specialist mage’s
SSFC2 is for all fighter/clerics dual and multi class and includes all kits.
SSFT2 is for all fighter/thieves dual and multi class and includes all kits. 
SSFMT2 is for all fighter/mage/thieves multi class and includes all kits. 
SSD2 is for all single class druids and includes all druid kits. 
SSR2 is for all single class rangers and includes all ranger kits. 
SSMT2 is for all mage/thieves dual and multi class and includes all kits and specialists.
SSFD2 is for all fighter/druids dual and multi class and includes all kits. 
SSFMC2 is for all fighter/mage/clerics multi class and includes all kits. 
SSCR2 is for all cleric/rangers dual and multi class and includes all kits.
SSMOK2 is for all monks.
SSMC2 is for all mage/clerics dual and multi class and includes all kits.
SSCT2 is for all cleric/thieves dual and multi class and includes all kits.
Posted by: Stanley
« on: April 10, 2006, 05:56:41 AM »

36 pages and that is all you can find to bitch about?  Really that sounds more in his favor than in yours.  You couldn't find more to pick at in all 36 pages?  Did you even read the read me? 

And by the way I don't sound like him at all.  You do though.  By the way a whopping 1 post in this forum by you gee it seems we know who the alias is here and it isn't me it's you. 

I suspect he wanted you to install his stuff last because that escript has summons stuff too and he didn't want you confusing the two.  That isn't to be scorned at if you are going to use his scripts and test them then you should use them properly now shouldn't you.  If you are going to use and test those escripts then you should use and test them properly as well.  Logical but of course Mr. 1 poster alias you don't figure things out very well do you?  I find it hard to believe a newbie with one post would all of sudden show up in this thread and post what you posted?  Not a very good cover dude.  A newbie wouldn't post like you just did.  A newbie would want to download and test those scripts for himself.  I did.  And a newbie has no credibility with anyone at all.  Why don't you post as who you truly are? 

Installation isn't confusing at all.  You put the .bs scripts in the scripts folder and the override scripts in your override folder.  A newbie blind monkey can do that. 

And finally I asked for people who actually tried and used the scripts playing the game to make comments.  Your comments are out of line and just plain wrong.  You didn't use them or install them you made that clear.  No one cares what you have to say.  You are not an informed person about the superscripts and all you have said is invalid and to be taken as bull.  Try them out in the game then post something.  Otherwise you are only telling everyone that they are in fact good scripts and you are trying to hide that fact.  Why I don't know but clearly you are and alias and you are lying a retarded dog can tell you are full of it. 

You not only have proven that you are an alias you have also proven yourself a liar and you didn't follow instructions.  Download, install and play the game with the superscripts or don't comment here at all.  If you say you don't like something you have never actually tried that makes you not a source to believe at all. 

Your too scared to try the superscripts?  Give me a brake.  If you are worried and we all know you are not then make a back up of your override folder first.  You are so full of it that is it coming out of your ears. 

Oh and by the way mensa candidate I never said his scripts were great at all.  I have yet to fully test them and make my report.  Something I take seriously unlike you who didn't test them at all.  You are not credible and not to be listened to by anyone about anything ever.  You didn't test the scripts no one cares what you have to say. 

And frankly I don't care if this mprilla's read me is arrogant.  The question is are his scripts good or not.  He can tell everyone the sun shines out of his butt for all I care.  If his scripts are good I will use them.  Nor should you care if he is arrogant either especially since all the modders here are arrogant to the extreme.  I don't want to date the guy I just want good scripts.  What part of that don't you understand? 


Posted by: fairsina
« on: April 10, 2006, 05:26:22 AM »

I d/loaded them but after reading through 36, yes 36, pages of readme decided not to install them

My reasons were several

1 They appeared to be cheat scripts even though they said they weren't
2 The installation directions were unclear and confusingly given
3 A few warning flags went off in my head when the creator kept repeating he was the best - someone being the best is provable it doesn't have to be announced over and over again by the creator of the mod

A few quotes from the readme

"Also and this is important make sure you install the overrides last over any mods you have installed my stuff is better than what any mod does period and you won't get the full effect of my scripts if you install mods over my stuff." - this one really scared me - it seems this guy can see into the future

"...he only pointed out a few minor typos and he did so to try to discredit me and he was very insulting about it as well though he only discredited himself and proved me to be the best scripter in the world with his childish and uninformed comments." - this one worried me too - I thought the idea was to have everything right

"Everything in my scripts works"

"I could list even more reasons my scripts are better but the heart of the matter is my scripts work better than the other scripts and my playtesters and members all say so and that is what matters the most the end users of PC scripts all love my scripts better than these other scripts."

Now my only question is - having read all 36 pages of how great he is - why do you sound like him, Stanley?
Posted by: Stanley
« on: April 10, 2006, 03:13:25 AM »

Exactly how have I done that?  By asking for player scripts and then getting insulted repeadadly?  Don't try them then.  Listen to the party line and be a sheep.  I don't care.  Name the insult I hurled at you?  Quote it?  You can't because I didn't. 


Posted by: Silk
« on: April 10, 2006, 03:10:19 AM »

*smiles happily*

I think you've now proved your intent to disrupt and denigrate a forum by not being a rational being in the first place.

I don't think I'll try any scripts that were recommended by you.

Thanks for dropping by.
Posted by: Stanley
« on: April 10, 2006, 03:00:13 AM »

Once again I didn't say you were insane.  I did say it is possible that it is insane to assume that a file you will download will contain a virus though.  Also your making that statement at a time when we were and are specifically talking about the superscripts cannot and will not be taken by anyone reading your post as anything but an implication that they contain a virus.  please reread your post and think how others will see it.  I am not making that up.  You clearly implied that for all to see.  And since I downloaded it and it doesn't contain a virus your implication is and was out of line.  The fact that you don't see that implication in what you wrote means you need to see it that way because everyone on the planet other than you does see it that way.  And clearly we all take that chance every time we download anything.  We download stuff anyway so stop babbling about virus's like an old Grandmother. 

Stop being so touchy and get over it already.  Update your virus scan and download away.  That is what we all do.  Move on and I didn't insult you but you sure just insulted me. 

Secondly I never said you lied.  You keep saying I did but that isn't true it never was true and it never will be true.  I keep telling you that I am answering more than one poster in a post and you should know that already. 

Third I said I never heard of anyone downloading a baldur's gate file with a virus and I stand by that.  Have you?  You didn't say you did.  You talked of files in general not baldur's gate files in particular.  That wasn't me insulting you.  I am being specific to what has happened with baldur's gate files.  Learn to not take as criticism things that are not criticism OK?  And we are not and have never been talking in general here.  Why you would assume that is beyond me this is a specific thread in a specific forum. 

Fourth the profanity is totally uncalled for. 

Fifth you said I was reading things into what you posted that weren't there.  Clearly that is and has been on the other foot.  You are MASSIVELY reading into my posts things that aren't there, never were and never will be there and taking things way to personally. 

If I offended you I am sorry but you have been and are being way out of line.  Then again that seems to be normal for this forum so I suppose it isn't all your own fault but be the bigger person than the other posters here.  Can you do that?  Because you are sinking to their level and that isn't good for you.  I am beginning to think that acting like a child is infectious and that the others here are infecting you.  Please stay away from them and stop posting like them.  I was just beginning to like you and think that you have a brain and can think for yourself unlike the party line hacks that run this forum.  Prove me right and try the superscripts out and together we can file an intelligent report on their performance. 

Clearly you realize by now that the accusations hurled at me and the superscripts are totally unfounded? 


Posted by: Silk
« on: April 10, 2006, 02:39:21 AM »

Okay, that's enough.  Have the thread to yourself and enjoy talking to yourself.  I don't want to talk to anyone who's not rational and delivers comments on others' sanity.  I told you I didn't lie and you now throw that back in my face by blatently telling me I've never downloaded a virus in a file.  How the fuck would you know?

Have fun with yourself (although I'm sure you already do).