CamDawg is right on the money about Mac compression. Stuffit Expander comes packaged on most Macs, and can handle almost any form of raw compression. If it's compression with a self-expander, YMMV. Stuffit Expander will handle all .zip's and most .rar's, though. I say most, because there are still a few auto-run .rar's that Stuffit can't/won't open. If you download any of the OSX- prefixed G3 mods, they are great examples of a .rar package that does work.
I am currently offering to repackage mods in a .pkg/.dmg format for Mac-users. For those who don't know, a .pkg is an installer package and a .dmg is a disk image. Both are Mac-specific pre-packaged formats and are the best (most user-friendly) for distribution. Although you can simply release your mod in a .zip or other format, Mac-users covet user-friendliness over all other qualities. For most Mac-users, the sight of the Terminal window is enough to make us run screaming. If you want to support your Mac OS X following, the best thing you can do is make it easy for them to install your mod. Here's what you get when I package it for you:
1) Mac-friendly distribution that doesn't require any third party software for installation.
2) The most user-friendly installation a WeiDU mod can get (double-click).
3) Auto-detection of the mod's install status. This is important on a Mac, since copying over the new mod will completely
replace the old backup directory, making it impossible to uninstall properly. This feature will automatically uninstall the mod, if needed, before installing a new version.
Requests can be sent to
loriel@quixjote.com[/SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION]