Dangerous path dialogue is from BG1 NPC mod, x#xanlt.d - if your rep drops. It should trigger ONLY if Xan is in party, naturally. It looks like this in v17:
IF WEIGHT #-2 ~%BGT_VAR% Global("X#XanLowRep","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN X#XanLowRep
SAY @784
++ @785 DO ~SetGlobal("X#XanLowRep","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("X#XALowRepTalkTime","GLOBAL",7200)~ + XALREP1
++ @786 DO ~SetGlobal("X#XanLowRep","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("X#XALowRepTalkTime","GLOBAL",7200)~ + XALREP2
++ @787 DO ~SetGlobal("X#XanLowRep","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("X#XALowRepTalkTime","GLOBAL",7200)~ + XALREP3
++ @788 DO ~SetGlobal("X#XanLowRep","GLOBAL",2) RealSetGlobalTimer("X#XALowRepTalkTime","GLOBAL",7200)~ + XALREP4
- you see that it should be closing itself. So, either your installation is screwed, or there's some problem with dialog.tlk - you don't have Virtue installed?
It's definitely not Xan Friendship, in other words, but it's still a problem. I recommend you to post a new topic in BG1 NPC about this, with your Weidu.log(which Bg1 npc version are you using?). Uninstall Xan Romance from BG1 NPC if you have to.