Author Topic: Enilelle's Disappearance  (Read 2411 times)

Offline celestine

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Enilelle's Disappearance
« on: May 03, 2004, 04:24:38 AM »
Thought I'll post this one here. This was my very first fic I wrote, now re-written to be more complete and tying all the loose ends from the last version. I'd made a few changes to the overall storyline and the settings so it might have a different ending.

Story Settings
Story takes place about five years after TOB. Ex-bhaalspawn Enielle Le'Sien is a good-natured elven sorceress.
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Offline celestine

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Re: Enilelle's Disappearance
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2004, 04:25:23 AM »
Chapter 1: Disappearance

Enielle Le'Sien blinked in reflex, as a sudden flash of light engulfed her, distorting her vision so that her world became a mural of vague shapes and light blurs. She had not seen the light coming. A strong gush of wind swept her off balance; she could not keep her eyes open. The strong winds swirled around her and disoriented the female further. She stretched her arms frantically, trying to grab at anything within her reach which could stabilize her. She could picked up a female voice calling her name in the wind. Within a few moments, the experienced sorceress felt a single powerful magical energy advancing towards her, and pulled her out of the chaos.

"What's happening?" was the last thought on her mind before she was overwhelmed.


Enielle's eyes fluttered open slowly; she felt her head spinning from the effects of her dream, or was it a dream? She was not sure. She could make out a blurred figure from a distant; there was someone else in the room; with her keen hearing, she could make out soft breathing noises of another. She closed her eyes for a while longer, trying to grasp an understanding.

The female took a few slow deep breaths and opened her eyes gradually. As her eyes grew accustomed to her new surroundings, she found herself in a large, well-lit room. A knight sat across her bed, on a huge cushioned chair, studying her. Enielle could feel his intense stare from beneath the ebony masked helmet he wore. He did not move from his seat even though she was slowly sitting up on the bed. She studied the motionless knight for signs of hostility and prepared a spell on her lips, just in case. It was at this moment that she felt ill suddenly; her spell failed! As a sorceress who was sensitive to magic, she realized that she was in a dead magic zone.
"So we've finally meet again, my Lady," the knight spoke in a familiar voice.

He rose from his seat and walked towards the alarmed female. The man was more than six feet tall and could only be a human from his stature. He held the aura of a powerful man, and walked with his head held high and proud. Enielle found herself clutching her blanket tightly as the man approached. There was something about the knight that was dangerous. He was clad in shiny black metal amour and attached to his waist belt was a heavy-looking large sword that radiates a dark aura. The sword sheath was also black in color and carved with beautiful golden runes. It was intuition that told the female that the sword was evil. She turned her attention to the knight but could only see his eyes; that was the only facial feature not hidden behind the ebony helmet.

"They looked familiar. That color...that look," she thought.

The knight stood besides the bed and waited patiently for the elf to return his greeting.

"Who are you? Where am I and why am I here?" Enielle asked cautiously, her eyes focusing on the powerful man standing in front of her.

"Ahh, I see you are still as curious as ever, my dearest Enielle.” the man smirked. "And as beautiful and enchanting as ever. How I missed you."

"Who are you?", Enielle asked again. She was getting annoyed as the mysterious man was obviously enjoying her vulnerability. There was something about the way he looked at her that made her nervous.

"You have forgotten me? Of course, I expected no less of you. You were simply too self-centered to care about those who had laid their lives for you, those who had fought side by side with you and those who had given their very lives for you." the knight replied, resting his sword-hand casually on the hilt of the great sword. His dark eyes staring intensely at the helpless elf on the bed.

Enielle shifted uncomfortably, she slowly reached her hand to her waist, where she hid a small dagger in a small waist band. She was careful to do so subtly and maintained her eye contact with the knight. Jaheria had painstakingly sewn in the band which was small enough to hide Ticker. Ticker was a brilliant dagger that Enielle found during one of her travels. The dagger was so small that it was only about the size of the elf's palm, but was so sharp that it could slice a strand of hair into half. It was a weapon perfect for concealing.

The elf was so relieved to find her beloved weapon intact in its hiding place that it was almost too hard to keep her expression straight. Slowly, she slide the dagger up her sleeve using her fingers under cover of the blanket, taking great care not to alarm the powerful man in front of her.

"Have you forgotten the man who once loved you. Whose life and dreams WAS destroyed by you? The man whom you cruelly used, only to cast aside when you deemed fit? I will NOT allow you to forget me!!!" the knight continued, getting angrier by the seconds.

The voice was becoming more and more familiar to Enielle, still she strained to see beyond the masked helmet the knight was wearing, hoping to get a clue on the identity of the angry man.

The way he spoke in anger, that rage was so familiar. Not so long ago, she thought she had encountered a man that angry. She pieced up the clues in her mind but her conclusion was just impossible.

"No! It cannot be! It’s just not possible. The dark eyes...", Enielle shook her head in frustration.

"I see you are remembering. Then look closely. I shall refresh your memory!"

Enielle watched in anticipation as the man removed his helmet slowly. Her eyes widen at the identity of the knight in front of her was revealed

(To be continued...)
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Offline celestine

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Re: Enilelle's Disappearance
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2004, 05:38:56 AM »
Chapter 2: Humilation

Rating - PG-13 (Violence & Sexual References)

"Anomen!" She gasped in surprised! For a moment, her anxiety turned to comfort as her eyes gazed upon her lover, Anomen. She wanted nothing more than to throw herself at the man she loved, and be comforted by him. It was his eyes that held her back. The way he looked at her with such frost that chilled her heart. An aura of evil radiated from the powerful man in front of her. Her initial feelings of relief were soon replaced with anger.

"You are not Anomen! How dare you impersonate him! Who are you, Evil!"

"Stupid wench. You still wish to deceive yourself. So be it!" Anomen smirked at the elf's remarks, amused by her senseless outburst. He was standing just inches before Enielle.

"You are not he!" With a quick and nimble stroke, Enielle slide Tinker across the dark knight's gauntleted hand.

The knight was quicker, he dodged the attack fast enough to avoid a deep cut and drew his sword, pointing the tip of his sword at the elf's throat.

"You dare attack me? After all I did for you. You are truly an ungrateful wench, Enielle. You will regret this,” he hissed.

The elf did not move, the tip of his sword nit her flawless skin and a thin red dot appears. She looked into his dark eyes defiantly, determined not to lower her pride to an evil man.

"Beg for mercy, Enielle and I MAY let you off," he coaxed.

"Never!" the female retorted and closed her eyes to prepare for the stroke of death.

Enielle felt the tip of the sword removed from her neck. She opened her eyes and saw Anomen shielded his sword.

"You will die when I want you to. Your life is mine. Understand these words Enielle Le'Sien," he commanded and left the room.

Enielle could hear the turn of a key and knew the door would be locked. She left out a sigh of relief; it was going to be a long nightmare for her.


Enielle was locked alone in the room except for the times when a mute servant brought her food and clothing. She had tried to obtain information from the servant but he could not tell her anything, even if he wanted to. Once, she tried to run out of the room when the servant unlocked the door, but he grabbed her hand and went down to his knees begging her. Pointing to his mouth, he made a gesture of his throat being slit; Enielle understood that it would meant the poor servant's death if she tried to escape. The good-natured elf had no choice but to remain in the room.

She could not understand how could anyone be so cruel to a servant. What puzzled her most was the motives of her captor.

What did he want with me? Why didn't he kill me? Who is he? He cannot be Anomen. My love would never hurt me.. Yet his eyes, his voice and that rage.. Too much of a coincidence.


"Where am I? Let me go or kill me!" the female demanded when she met the dark knight several days later.

"Such threats from my dear lady," he teased, smiling wickedly at the angry elf. "It would not work, my dearest Enielle. I prefer the soft approach. Try that and perhaps that might work." He removed his helmet and placed it casually on a desk, taking no notice of the elf's outburst.

Enielle was absolutely livid. She would not let him treat her like nothing. How dare he wore the face of the man she loved. She threw herself against the man, slapping him with her hands and dug her nails into his face in an attempt to peel an imaginary mask off the knight's face.

Anomen caught both her wrists in his hands and using his body weight, he pinned the elf onto the floor so that she lay breathless and vulnerable. Angry red scratches and a red handprint appeared on the man's handsome cheeks. His cheeks sting from her attacks but he was amused by her efforts. Once the elf had stopped struggling, he caught her eye and stared at her intensely. He had her at her most vulnerable state; he had shown her he had absolute power over her. He would show her she was his property and he could do whatever he wishes with her. He would show her.

Enielle was frightened by what she saw on the knight's face. He was looking at her with lust in his eyes. She followed his eyes down on her body and to her dismay, her garment had slipped during her struggles to reveal her cleavage; he was staring at her bosom, mesmerized by the tempting sight. Alarm bells rang in the elf's mind; she had to distract him before she suffered more humiliation at his hands.

"Who are you?" she was relieved when the man turned his attention towards her face.

"Who do you think I am!" he retorted, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"You are not Anomen. Anomen would never hurt me. He would never treat me so shabbily."

"I'm paying you back on your own coin, Enielle. I would never lay a finger on you had you not betrayed our love! You did this, Enielle. You did all this and more!"

"No, that's not true. I never did anything to betray you. I would never do that"

Enielle felt her cheek burn and her head rang. Anomen's violent reaction caught the elf completely by surprise; he had slapped her.

"Liar! Repeat that lie and you will face my wrath!" he got up angrily and stomped out of the room leaving the poor elf in tears.

(To be continued...)
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Offline celestine

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Re: Enilelle's Disappearance
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2004, 08:03:04 PM »
Chapter 3: Conspiracy

"My Lord, you look distracted. May I share your burden?" Endymion bowed humbly before the powerful dark knight. He knew he was taking a huge risk on his life, interrupting the quick-tempered dark knight.

The room was huge and Anomen sat alone in a huge jeweled chair on a pedestal. His dark eyes looked solemnly at the captain of his guards who had interrupted his thoughts.

"What do you know about Enielle Le'Sien?"

"Legends speak of the lady fondly. The bards sang songs in tribute to the Lady's bravery and accomplishments." The captain paused to think carefully before answering his master. A wrong word would cause him his life, if he angered the knight.

"What did the bards sing of Enielle?"

"Lady Enielle, a beautiful maiden of the elves, powerful and resourceful, surviver of Bhaal's children...”

"Enough! She could not have done anything on her own. Do the legends say naught of her companions?" the dark knight interrupted.

Captain Endymion shivered. Anomen's quick temper gave him his dangerous reputation. The knight was well-known in the church for his devious mind. He would have to be careful with his words.

"I heard that the Lady has a few companions. A druidess, two drows and her siblings; her siblings, Imoen and Sarevok were mentioned in the songs. They were formidable on their own."

"That's all? Were those all her companions mentioned?"

"Yes my lord. From what I've heard, Lady Enielle does not trust easily. Her traveling companions were only those mentioned in the songs."

The rage in Anomen's handsome face was obvious. His dark eyes narrowed dangerously and his hands clenched tightly into a fist. His mouth twitched into a thin line as he took in the Captain's words. It was quite a while before the dark knight spoke again.

"I have her in the fortress, Captain," he smiled coldly at the captain and nodded to himself.  Yes. I have the power to do that.

"My lord's power has grown considerably. Our enemies would be no match for you. What does my lord intend to do with Lady Enielle?" the captain bowed again.

Anomen smiled at the question. It was the very same question that he had been thinking. He had taken great pains to summon Enielle and bind her power to him. He had intended to make the elf suffer for her betrayal, and he had intended to make her swallow her pride, to beg him for forgiveness and to serve him as his woman.

Ahh, the sweet thoughts of revenge.

The hate in his heart drove him half mad. His thirst for revenge tipped the faith in his heart and affected his actions. No longer was the rage targeted at his inability to be good and help others. No longer were his thoughts pure and honorable. His God had cast him out of the church after that. Without Helm's power, Anomen was unable to plot his revenge until he met a cult that worshipped Loviatar, the goddess of Pain, Hurt and Agony. The goddess saw the great pain in his heart, and promised him power to avenge him in return for his faith. Anomen had never been sought after by a goddess and the promised power for his revenge was all it took to convert the man.

That was how he became one of Loviatar's dark knights. It did not take long for him to climb the ranks to become one of Loviatar's most powerful knights. The pain and torment in his heart intrigues Loviatar and he became one of her favorites.

"My lord?"

Anomen broke out of his trance and stared angrily at the young captain. He studied the young man carefully. Endymion was young and ambitious. He was skilled with the blade and brilliant with battle strategies. He would no doubt betray him if he ever fell out of the goddess's favor; such was the way in Loviatar's church.

"I want her to be my woman. If you can make her mine, I will petition the goddess to grant you more power."


Enielle sat quietly in the garden. The mute servant had led her to the back garden. It was a beautiful sight, a huge contrast to the cold lifeless room that held her freedom and she was glad to breathe the fresh air. The flowers were in full bloom, and the air was full of the flowery scent. It reminded her of the elven city in the forest of Tethir. It was where Anomen swore his undying love for her. She missed her lover terribly and she could not understand why her captor would resemble Anomen so much.

In her heart, she had no doubt that the dark knight was indeed Anomen but she also knew that there was something strange going on. Her instincts told her that this Anomen was not the one that had given her his pledge. Her Anomen was not a cruel man, and would never hurt a servant or threatened their lives. Sir Anomen would never treat her harshly. It was not his way to treat a lady. She suspected that Anomen had been bewitched or a spell was in effect on the dark knight.

Enielle sighed. She was powerless without her magic and this place was a dead magic area where none of her spells would work. She wished she had taken some combat lessons when Anomen offered to teach her.

The elf wandered around the garden aimlessly until she smelt familiar scent. She followed the flowery scent to a small corner of the garden. It was in this corner, she found several bushes of Crimson Rhodelie in full bloom. She remembered how her knight had shyly plucked a crimson rhodelia and presented it to her, with his pledge of affections. She walked towards one of the bush, and plucked the nearest flower. Bringing the flower to her nose, she inhaled the scent deeply.

You see this flower, my lady? It reminds me of you, beautiful yet powerful.

She replayed the scene which her knight gave her the flower and the words he said to her. How loving he looked. Enielle was deep in thoughts, and she felt a great longing for her lover, and to see his handsome face again.

"I see you've found your way to my garden, my Lady," a deep male voice startled her and Enielle turned around to see the dark knight standing with his arms crossed, wearing a slight smile on his thin lips. He wore no helmet and his tussled hair swayed slightly in the breeze. Enielle was mesmerized by his eyes. His dark eyes caught hers and stared intensely, seducing her. She almost forgot that she was looking at the dark knight until he was just inches away from her, near enough to kiss her.

Alarm bells rang in the elf's head before she could take a few steps away from the dark knight; he caught her arm and pulled her towards him. He caught her slender waist with one arm and the other tilted her chin upwards for his kiss. Enielle resisted, gently at first, still mesmerized by the dark knight. As his lips touched hers, she remembered the danger and pulled away from him abruptly.

She could catch a glimpse of pain caused by her rejection in the man's eyes, before the rage took over.

"You resist me. Why?" there was a tone of sadness in his voice.

"You are not...” the elf stopped, remembering the slap she earned the last time she said the same thing.

"Did you not love me, Enielle?"

"I... I love Anomen. But you... you are different... different from the one I knew. What happened?"

"You want to know? Very well, I will tell you."

(To be continued...)
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