Friends and Neighbors > WeiDU

tolower breaks the new BG1EE Linux Edition

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Yes, this is being looked at.

I have the same problem as Sleepy.

Is there any solution?

What you might want to try is to mount the game folder using ciopfs (a case insensitive filesystem for linux) - I've done this then installed both Rogue Rebalancing and Sword Coast Stratagems and they run without a hitch.  As a plus you don't even need to use tolower!  I'll provide some instructions for you guys, assuming the use of Ubuntu and the enhanced edition because that's what I have.  # are my instructions and the lines below are the commands to run.

# ==========
# First open a terminal and then install ciopfs:
sudo apt-get install ciopfs

# Then move to the level above the install directory and create a hidden foilder for ciopfs to use:
cd ~/.local/share/steam/steamapps/common
mkdir .BGEE

# Copy the game folder to another hidden folder and then clear it (so ciopfs can mount to it):
cp Baldur's\ Gate\ Enhanced\ Edition .oldBGEE
rm -r Baldur's\ Gate\ Enhanced\ Edition/*

# now mount the hidden folder with ciopfs and copy back the original data
ciopfs .BGEE Baldur's\ Gate\ Enhanced\ Edition
cp .oldBGEE/* Baldur's\ Gate\ Enhanced\ Edition

Now you should be able to test the game works, then extract your mod files to the "Baldur's\ Gate\ Enhanced\ Edition" folder as normal and install all the mods you want without the need to use tolower before weinstall.

Once you  have tested the game runs then there is one more step to make the ciopfs baldurs gate permanent; edit your /etc/fstab file (try the command "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" without quotes) and copy in the following to mount the ciopfs folder to the game directory on login (assuming you have the default steam install).  Make sure to modify "USERNAME" to be your USERNAME.

/home/USERNAME/.local/share/steam/steamapps/common/.BGEE /home/USERNAME/.local/share/steam/common/Baldur's\040Gate\040Enhanced\040Edition\ ciopfs allow_other,default_permissions,use_ino,attr_timeout=0 0 0

And thats it - enjoy!   ;D

Note:  I only know about this because of a similar issue faced by the CIV5 modding community after the linux version came out.  See the steam community discussion for the original source of these instructions.

I just got BG2EE + BG2 Tweaks to work on linux. I followed the procedure outlined by CarrKnight and sams.

The only difference was that I had to rename all files in the DATA directory to uppercase to get the game to start. From a terminal in this directory, I ran

--- Code: ---for file in *; do mv -- "$file" "${file^^}"; done
--- End code ---
to uppercase all files (taken from

So far, the game runs great.

In case it is forgotten, is it possible to make the next version of weidu to produce lowercase entries in key/bif files ? Would it cause any problems on windows ?

--- Code: ---000008f0  64 61 74 61 2f 4f 42 4a  41 6e 69 6d 2e 62 69 66  |data/OBJAnim.bif|
00000900  00 64 61 74 61 2f 45 66  66 65 63 74 73 2e 62 69  |.data/|

--- End code ---
chitin.key as it comes in the EE versions (and the vanilla bg2+tob) has mixed case entries.

--- Code: ---000008f0  44 41 54 41 2f 4f 42 4a  41 4e 49 4d 2e 42 49 46  |DATA/OBJANIM.BIF|
00000900  00 44 41 54 41 2f 45 46  46 45 43 54 53 2e 42 49  |.DATA/EFFECTS.BI|

--- End code ---
After running weinstall on linux, weidu changes the entries to uppercase.

So in order to install mods, you need to run tolower and lowercase all files but then the game cannot access them because the binary tries to open uppercase files (or mixed case files with the vanilla chitin.key). I have written a C program that changes all the relevant entries of chitin.key to lowercase and i can run the game perfectly, but the program needs to be ran after (almost) every mod installation.

If weidu is changed to produce lowercase entries then everything will work fine after running tolower without any steps from the user.


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