Miscellany, Inc. > Ensign First Class Blather

The Infinity Engine Acronym List

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Anyone's who's spent even a small amount of time on the various IE-related forums or chatted in one of the IRC rooms has likely run into an acronym that befuddled them.  Even the oldtimers likely come across one they've forgotten.  So, in a mad fit of boredom while waiting for various programs to slowly install, I put together this list.  Please feel free to point out omissions or errors, as I know I've missed quite a few.  I will only list recognized acronyms, however.  Please don't make up something just to get it listed.  :)

So, away we go...

1E - First Edition Dungeons and Dragons
2E - Second Edition Dungeons and Dragons
3E - Third Edition Dungeons and Dragons

AB - Auril's Bane
AC - Ashford City, Armor Class
AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
AFAICT - "as far as I can tell"
AFAIK - "as far as I know"
AFK - "away from keyboard"
AIM - AOL Instant Messenger
AOE - Ashes of Embers
AOL - America Online

BAMW - BAM Workshop
BD - Baldurdash
BG - Baldur's Gate
BG1NPC - Baldur's Gate NPC Project
BG1UB - Baldur's Gate Unfinished Business
BG2 - Baldur's Gate 2
BGDA - Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
BGFFHP - Baldur's Gate File Format Hacking Project
BGT - Baldur's Gate Trilogy
BIS - Black Isle Studios
BOB - Blades of Brynnlaw
BP - Big Picture, Banter Packs
BRB - "be right back"
BS - Blacksheep Mods
BSOD - "Blue Screen of Death"
BTW - "by the way"
BW - Blackwyrm Lair

C/T - Cleric/Thief
CC - Copper Coronet
CE - Chaotic Evil
CG - Chaotic Good
CN - Chaotic Neutral
CNR - Charles Nelson Reilly
CO8 - Circle of Eight
COM - Chosen of Mystra
CPMS - Compton Probably Mostly Sucks, Crotchless Panties Modding Society
CR - Cleric Remix, Corthala Romantique
CRPG - Computer Role-Playing Game
CTB - Check the Bodies
CTD - Crash to Desktop
CW - Cowled Wizards
CWS - Cloakwood Squares

D&D - Dungeons and Dragons
DA - Dragon Age
DBG - Dungeon Be Gone
DH - Dark Horizons
DLTC - Dragonlance Total Conversion
DLTCEP - Dragonlance Total Conversion Editor Pro
DM - Dungeon Master
DOS - Desecration of Souls
DR - Divine Remix, Damage Reduction, Dalereckoning
DSOA - Deeper Shadows of Amn
DSOTSC - Darkside of the Sword Coast
DUHM - Draw Upon Holy Might

EE - Epic Endeavours
EFCB - Ensign First Class Blather
EMAD - Every Mod and Dog
EOE - Embers of Empire
EOU - Ease of Use

F/C - Fighter/Cleric
F/D - Fighter/Druid
F/M - Fighter/Mage
F/M/C - Fighter/Mage/Cleric
F/M/T - Fighter/Mage/Thief
F/T -  Fighter/Thief
FAI - Friendly Arm Inn
FF - Fan Fiction, The Five Flagons Inn
FFR - Fuckface Rodriguez
FO - Fallout
FO2 - Fallout 2
FOA - Flail of Ages
FOTD - Fields of the Dead
FPS - First Person Shooter
FR - Forgotten Realms, Freedom's Reign
FW - Forgotten Wars
FWIP - Forgotten Wars Item Pack
FWIW - "for what it's worth"
FWP - Forgotten Wars Projects
FWS - Forgotten Wars Studios
FYI - "for your information"

G3 - The Gibberlings Three
G3A - The Gibberlings Three Anniversary Mod
GAF - "gone and forgotten"
GBG - Game Be Gone
GC - GospelCat, aka WolfCatBot
GR - General Revelry
GS - Grim Squeaker
GTFO - "get the fuck out"
GWW - Greater Whirlwind

HA - Holy Avenger
HD - Haer'Dalis
HLA - High-Level Ability
HOF - Heart of Fury
HOTU - Hordes of the Underdark
HOW - Heart of Winter
HP - Hit Points

IAP - Infinity Add-on Patcher
IC - "in context", "in character"
ICQ - ICQ Instant Messenger
IDU - Infinity Dialog Utility
IDW - Infinity Dialog Workshop
IE - Infinity Engine, Infinity Explorer, Internet Explorer
IEEP - Infinity Engine Editor Pro
IEFFHP - Infinity Engine File Format Hacking Project
IESDP - Infinity Engine Structures Description Project
IETME - Infinity Engine Tileset Map Editor
IIRC - "if I remember correctly"
IM - Iron Modder, Instant Message
IMHO - "in my honest opinion"
IMO - "in my opinion"
IO - Improved Oasis 2
IRC - Internet Relay Chat
IRL - "in real life"
IU - Item Upgrade
IW - Ironworks
IWD - Icewind Dale
IWD2 - Icewind Dale 2
IWG - Icewind Gate

JC - Jason Compton

K/Z - Kiara/Zaiya Romance Mod
KD - Kevin Dorner, KingDiamond
KOTOR - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

LC - Lost Crossroads
LE - Lawful Evil
LG - Lawful Good
LH - Lost Hollows
LN - Lawful Neutral
LOL - "laugh out loud"
LMAO - "laughing my ass off"
LMFAO - "laughing my fucking ass off"
LOI - Lands of Intrigue
LS - Last Stoplight

M/T - Mage/Thief
MAC - Mothers Against Corvis
MG90 - Match Game '90
MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
MOD - Modification, Module, Mace of Disruption
MR - Magic Resistance
MSN - Microsoft Network, MSN Messenger
MTS - MajorTomSawyer

NAMC - Not Another Modding Community
NB - "note well" (Latin)
NE - Neutral Evil
NEJ - Neverending Journey
NG - Neutral Good
NI - Near Infinity
NP - "no problem"
NPC - Non-Player Character
NRD - Nahal's Reckless Dweomer
NS - Nocturnal Supremacy
NTOSC - Northern Tales of the Sword Coast
NWN - Neverwinter Nights
NWN2 - Neverwinter Nights 2

OBC - Optional, But Cool
OC - Official Campaign (NWN)
OMFG - "oh my fucking God"
OMG - "oh my God"
OOC - "out of context", "out of character"

PBG - PlanetBaldursGate
PC - Player Character, Personal Computer
PFE - Protection From Evil
PFMW - Protection From Magical Weapons
PM - Private Message
PNP - Pen and Paper, Plug-and-Play
POR - Pools of Radiance
PP - Pocket Plane
PPG - Pocket Plane Group
PPPJ - Pocket Plane Pizza Joint
PS - Sony Playstation
PS2 - Sony Playstation 2
PST, PS:T - Planescape: Torment
PWG - Planewalker Games

QP - Quest Pack

R/C - Ranger/Cleric
RL - "real life"
ROFL - "rolling on the floor laughing"
ROT - Region of Terror
ROV - Reign of Virtue
RPG - Roleplaying Game
RPGD - RPG Dungeon
RROR - Ruby Ray of Reversal
RSS - Really Simple Syndication (aka, news feed)
RTFM - "read the fucking manual"
RTS - Real-time Strategy
RTT - Return to Trademeet
RTW - Return to Windspear

SAPP - Sporeboy!'s Alternate Portrait Pack
SBB - Sir BillyBob
SC - Sebastian Conrad
SES - Sol Ek Sa
SHS - Spellhold Studios
SIC - Latin phrase used to denote that the quoted word was originally misspelled
SK - ShadowKeeper
SMM - Semi-Multi Mini-mod
SOA - Shadows of Amn
SOBH - The Secret of Bonehill
SOIAF - Song of Ice and Fire
SOL - "shit outta luck"
SOS - Shadows Over Soubar
SOTM - Staff of the Magi
SOU - Shadows of Undrentide
SP - Sorcerer's Place
SPC - Sorcerer's Place Collection
SR - StoplightRed
STFU - "shut the fuck up"
SWKOTOR - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

TBG - TeamBG
TC - Total Conversion
TDD - The Darkest Day
TF - Telefragged
TFN - The Frozen North
THAC0 - To Hit Armor Class 0
TMI - "too much information"
TN - True Neutral
TOB - Throne of Bhaal
TOEE - Temple of Elemental Evil
TOIW - Tower of Iron Will
TOTLM - Trials of the Luremaster
TOTSC - Tales of the Sword Coast
TP2 - Talk Patch version 2
TPT - The Plot Thickens
TS - Tortured Souls, Time Stop
TVA - Thinly Veiled Alias

UAI - Use Any Item
UB - Unfinished Business
UUF - Userunfriendly

WeiDU - Weimer Dialog Utilities
WK - Watcher's Keep
WOT - Wheel of Time
WOTC - Wizards of the Coast
WTF - "what the fuck?"
WTH - "what the hell?"
WTP - World Transition Project
WW - Winterwind, Whirlwind

XP - Experience

YIM - Yahoo! Instant Messenger

Not serious.

LWS = List Withdrawal Syndrome. Known sufferers: 1 icelus. :P

But you did miss out TC = Total Conversion and Tutu = to two. And while we're listing names, UUF = Userunfriendly and JC = Jason Compton.

*DLTCEP = Dragonlance Total Conversion Editor Pro.


NP = No Pubes.

i was impressed by this install wish-list Chev posted the other day. impressed cos i don't recognise half of the acronyms:

--- Quote ---How about a BP/BGT/NeJ1+2/GC1+2/DSotSC/SoBH/CtB/DSoA/DR/PS/PSR/FR&RV/MM/IR/UB/Ruad/OPP/Banter Packs/NPC Flirt Packs/EoU/IUg/UrI/BG1 NPC Project/ Install?? And when RtW, RoT LoI, dAR, Mage/Familiar Banterpack and NPC Strongholds are ready I want to add them too!
--- End quote ---


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