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Miscellany, Inc. => Tutorials => Topic started by: Ghreyfain on April 01, 2004, 03:39:46 AM

Title: Dialogue Tokens - by Japheth
Post by: Ghreyfain on April 01, 2004, 03:39:46 AM
Dialogue Tokens 

I've been toying around with the various dialogue tokens out there and have compiled a decent list with some explanations. Might be of some use to some people out there. Here we go.

Note: All text appearing in highlighted yellow is exactly how it appears in the dialogue window. So, using <SIRMAAM>, produces sir or ma'am in lowercase.

<BROTHERSISTER> - returns brother or sister depending on the gender of the person being spoken to.
<CHARNAME> - returns the name of the PC.
<DAY> - returns the current numerical day.
<DAYANDMONTH> - returns the current numerical day as well as the month. (Example: It is <DAYANDMONTH>, would produce: It is 24 Mirtul...or whatever the current day and month happens to be.)
<DAYNIGHT> - returns day or night depending whether it's nighttime or daytime.
<DURATION> - returns the elapsed time from the start of the game in days and hours. (Example: We've been around for <DURATION>, would produce: We've been around for 23 days and 13 hours...or whatever the elapsed time happens to be.)
<DURATIONNOAND> - returns the same thing as <DURATION> except it omits the and. So it would be 23 days 13 hours rather than 23 days and 13 hours.
<GABBER> - returns the name of the current speaker. (Example: If I use Jaheira and click-talk her on a creature rather than using the PC, this would return Jaheira if used in a dialogue.)
<GAMEDAYS> - returns the number of game days that have elapsed since the start of the game.
<GIRLBOY> - returns girl or boy depending on the gender of the person being spoken to.
<HESHE> - returns he or she depending on the gender of the person being spoken to.
<HOUR> - returns the current hour of the day in numerical 24 hour format.
<LADYLORD> - returns Lady or Lord depending on the gender of the person being spoken to.
<LEVEL> - returns the level of the person being spoken to.
<MALEFEMALE> - returns male or female depending on the gender of the person being spoken to.
<MANWOMAN> - returns man or woman depending on the gender of the person being spoken to.
<MONTHNAME> - returns the current month's name. (Example: It is <MONTHNAME>, would produce: It is Mirtul...or whatever the current month is in your game.)
<PLAYER2-6> - this will return the name of the NPC depending on which number they are in the party order. (Example: If Jaheira is the last in the party order then, Hey, <PLAYER6>! would produce: Hey Jaheira!)
<PRO_BROTHERSISTER> - returns brother or sister depending on the PC's gender.
<PRO_GIRLBOY> - returns girl or boy depending on the PC's gender.
<PRO_HESHE> - returns he or she depending on the PC's gender.
<PRO_HIMHER> - returns him or her depending on the PC's gender.
<PRO_HISHER> - returns his or her depending on the PC's gender.
<PRO_LADYLORD> - returns Lady or
Lord depending on the PC's gender.
<PRO_MANWOMAN> - returns man or woman depending on the PC's gender.
<PRO_RACE> - returns the PC's race. (Example: If the PC was a half-elf then, I know you're a <PRO_RACE>! would produce: I know you're a half-elf!
<PRO_SIRMAAM> - returns sir or ma'am depending on the PC's gender.
<RACE> - returns the race of the current person being spoken to.
<SIRMAAM> - returns sir or ma'am depending on the gender of the person being spoken to.
<YEAR> - returns the current year in numerical format. (Example: It is <YEAR> currently, would produce: It is 1369 currently...or whatever year it is in your game.